% >>>multiple access b/w 2 users using DS CDMA
% >>>format is : cdmamodem(user1,user2,snr_in_dbs)
% >>>user1 and user2 are vectors and they should be of equal length
% >>>e.g. user1=[1 0 1 0 1 0 1] , user2=[1 1 0 0 0 1 1],snr_in_dbs=-50
% >>>or snr_in_dbs=50 just any number wud do
% Waqas Mansoor
% NUST , Pakistan-Complex access, B/W dual-use direct sequence spread spectrum>>> multiple access b/w 2 users using DS CDMA>>> format is: cdmamodem (user1, user2, snr_in_dbs)>>> user1 and user2 are vectors and they should be of equal length>>> eg user1 = [1 0 1 0
% >>>multiple access b/w 2 users using DS CDMA
% >>>format is : cdmamodem(user1,user2,snr_in_dbs)
% >>>user1 and user2 are vectors and they should be of equal length
% >>>e.g. user1=[1 0 1 0 1 0 1] , user2=[1 1 0 0 0 1 1],snr_in_dbs=-50
% >>>or snr_in_dbs=50 just any number wud do
% Waqas Mansoor
% NUST , Pakistan-Complex access, B/W dual-use direct sequence spread spectrum>>> multiple access b/w 2 users using DS CDMA>>> format is: cdmamodem (user1, user2, snr_in_dbs)>>> user1 and user2 are vectors and they should be of equal length>>> eg user1 = [1 0 1 0