- the Yider is an open source VBscr ipt spider that allows you to quickly add a search system to your site like the one at the top of this page. It stores data in a Microsoft Access or SQL 2000 database with full text sear
- the Yider is an open source VBscr ipt spider that allows you to quickly add a search system to your site like the one at the top of this page. It stores data in a Microsoft Access or SQL 2000 database with full text sear
- 网页抓取器又叫网络机器人(Robot)、网络爬行者、网络蜘蛛。网络机器人(Web Robot),也称网络蜘蛛(Spider),漫游者(Wanderer)和爬虫(Crawler),是指某个能以人类无法达到的速度不断重复执行某项任务的自动程序。他们能自动漫游与Web站点,在Web上按某种策略自动进行远程数据的检索和获取,并产生本地索引,产生本地数据库,提供查询接口,共搜索引擎调用。-asp