- rfc2511--x[1].509证书请求报文格式.doc 这是我的总结希望对初学这有帮助 -rfc2511 -- x [1] .509 certificate request text format. Doc This is my summing up the Greek Pillar to help beginners
- CRC查表法生成x8+x2+x+1,里面有源程序
how to obtain all swap information from a given HPUX 11.x PA-Risc server
- I yeild to the experts, the following code demonstrates how to obtain all swap information from a given HPUX 11.x PA-Risc server. It leverages the pstat routines to accomplish the task. However, I have on REALLY NAGGING
劫掠轩辕剑(1.6版) (付源程序 地图编辑器)
- 劫掠轩辕剑(1.6版) (付源程序 地图编辑器).-looting X-Men (1.6) (FU source map editor).
s DMaze new
- Direct 3D编写的图像引擎迷宫程序。需要首先安装Direct X 9.0-Direct 3D graphics engine prepared by the Maze procedure. You first need to install Direct X 9.0
- Thanks for downloading my Logix RC flight simulator. This is a Micro$oft Visual C++ project, so it would be easiest for you to open it with MSVC++ but if you dont have it, you can always use your own compiler, the source
- 原题:编写一个子程序NewTon(float x0,float eps,float x1)。它的功能是用牛顿迭代法求f(x)=x*x*x-2x*x+4x+1在x=0附近的一个实根。若迭代成功,则返回费0值;否则,返回0。-original title : the preparation of a subroutine NewTon (x0 float, float eps, float x1). Its function is to u
- 此程序为Direct x 7.0搭建了一个基本的框架,用于创建一个DirectDraw 的接口,-procedure for Direct x 7.0 erection of a basic fr a mework for creating a DirectDraw interface,
- 展示了如何载入和显示.X文件里的骨骼动画,是很好的东西!-demonstrated how printed and display. X documents in the skeletal animation, is a very good thing!
MAYA 4-5 X文件导出插件(代码)
- MAYA 4-5 X文件导出插件的代码,很好的东西,可以方便大家!快下吧!-MAYA 4-5 document derived X plug-in code, good things can facilitate all! Under fast!
- source_code 实现无线局域网中的802.1x功能,实现网络的接入认证。-To realize functions of 802.X and access indentification to network in wireless LAN.
- 这是一个小程序,用VC++6.0来实现循环冗余码校验CRC算法。 标准为CRC-4,生成多项式为C(X)=X4+X+1, 应用举例为ITU G704 -This is a small program used to achieve VC 6.0 cyclical redundancy check CRC algorithm. Standards for the CRC-4, generating polynomial C (X)
- 混沌(Chaos),Logistic方程 X(n) = k*X(n-1)*( 1-X(n-1) ),即二次函数 f(x) = k*x(1-x), 选择适当的常数k,选择初始值 x0,迭代计算: x1=f(x0), x2=f(x1), x3=f(x2),..., 序列{ Xn }的整体"状态",敏感的依赖于常数k和初始值x0, 序列可能收敛,也可能,"乱七八糟"地振荡--产生混沌Chaos!-Chaos (Chaos),
Active-X Popup MsgBox(mvp)
- Active-X Popup MsgBox
- 本文件为用C语言实现的可实现广义异或问题的bp神经网络算法。该问题是对标准异或问题的推广。在标准异或问题中,输入X1和X2取离散量-1或+1,在广义异或问题中,输入(X1,X2)可以在区间[-1,+1] X [-1, +1]内任意取值,而输出为Y=sign(x1,x2),其中sign()为符号函数,在区间[-1,+1] X [-1, +1]内随机产生500个训练样本.本程序用标准BP网实现该分类问题.-this document for
- 一个OPENCV人脸检测的源码,在VC6下打开,需安装OPENCV3.1-a OPENCV Face Detection source code, under the VC6 open, the need to install OPENCV3.1
- 单输出的神经元网络拟合有噪声干扰的函数:y=x1/(1+x1) + x2/(1+x2) + x3/(1+x3) + x4/(1+x4)-single output neuron network fitting a noise function : y = x/(1 x1) x2/(1 x2) x3/(1 x3) x/(1 x4)
- 在VC下利用directX9.0写的很好的3D图形编程的例子,包括.x文件的读取,纹理的加载!适合初学者练手!-in VC directX9.0 write using a good 3D graphics programming examples, including. X document read, texture loading! For beginners to practice hands!
- 《精通MATLAB7.0混合编程》系统地介绍MATLAB 7.0的混合编程方法和技巧。全书共分为13章。第1章和第2章介绍MATLAB的基础知识,第3章简要介绍MATLAB混合编程,第4章至第9章分别介绍几种典型的混合编程方法,包括C-MEX、MATLAB引擎、MAT数据文件共享、Mideva、Matrix和Add-in。第10章、第11章介绍MATLAB与Delphi和Excel的混合编程。第12章介绍MATLAB COM Build
- notecase-1.9.8_src NoteCase is a free hierarchical note manager program. It is published as open source and licensed under BSD-like license. Program is written in portable C++ (using GTK 2.x toolkit) and is c