- This toolbox has functions to perform nonlinear diffusion images. This kind of image filtering is particularly useful for reducing noise and to simplify images for further segmentation. Much of these functions are based
- This toolbox has functions to perform nonlinear diffusion images. This kind of image filtering is particularly useful for reducing noise and to simplify images for further segmentation. Much of these functions are based
- Example: A = double(imread( fingerprint.png ))/255 B = coherencefilter(A,4, sigma ,1.5, rho ,5) image(min(max(B,0),1)) axis image [1] Weickert, J. 1996. Anisotropic Diffusion in Image Processing. Ph.D.
- 该程序是Weickert提出的结构张量扩散去噪模型。-The program corresponds to the structure tensor diffusion denoising model which is proposed by Weickert