- vb写的改进的遗传算法程序。是一些通用代码,与具体问题对应的代码空出来,用的时候填进去。根据我的经验,要想用好遗传算法,代码必须自己写,因为问题不同,编码,杂交,变异算子可能都不一样。特别是杂交算子,需要根据问题调整,甚至创造出新的杂交方法。而且适应度计算的代码也需要自己写,特别是带约束的优化问题 -vb write improvement in the genetic algorithm. Some common code, with
- 一次性生成约束Delaunay三角网算法的编程与实现,caj格式-one-time Generation constrained Delaunay triangulation algorithm programming and implementation PRODUCTS format
2010ICIP Multiple object track.pdf
- This paper presents a data-oriented tracking fr a mework which aims to recover the spatio-temporal trajectories for an unknown number of interacting objects appearing and disappearing at arbitrary times. Data association
- 一次性生成约束Delaunay三角网算法的编程与实现,caj格式-one-time Generation constrained Delaunay triangulation algorithm programming and implementation PRODUCTS format
- 能量感知、地理位置路由和拓扑控制来改进无线传感器网络的生存时间-Energy-aware, the geographical routing and topology control wireless sensor networks to improve the survival time
- 能量感知、地理位置路由和拓扑控制来改进无线传感器网络的生存时间-Energy-aware, the geographical routing and topology control wireless sensor networks to improve the survival time
- 实时障碍物识别 Realtime Obstacle Detection and Tracking Based on Constrained Delaunay Triangulation-Real-time obstacle identification Realtime Obstacle Detection and Tracking Based on ConstrainedDelaunay Triangulation
- 元胞自动机的matlab程序。 元胞自动机(CA)是一种用来仿真局部规则和局部联系的方法。典型的元胞自动机是定义在网格上的,每一个点上的网格代表一个元胞与一种有限的状态。变化规则适用于每一个元胞并且同时进行。典型的变化规则,决定于元胞的状态,以及其( 4或8 )邻居的状态。元胞自动机已被应用于物理模拟,生物模拟等领域。-Cellular Automata matlab procedures. Cellular Automata (C
- In the next generation of wireless communication systems, there will be a need for the rapid deployment of independent mobile users. Significant examples include establishing survivable, efficient, dynamic communicat
- 这篇论文介绍了一种有效的3D笔刷模型,模仿中国毛笔的写字方式,能够运用于各种程序。-This paper presents a novel 3D brush model consisting of a skeleton and a surface, which is deformed through constrained energy minimization. The main advantage of our model over
- 运用模拟退火算法求解带时间窗约束的车辆路径问题-The use of simulated annealing algorithm with time window constrained vehicle routing problem
- 一个java的工作流验证模型,简略的提供了基于时间约束的工作流的建模及验证过程,中间使用到了jdom,jgraph组件-A java workflow verification model, provides a time-constrained workflow-based modeling and verification process, in the middle used to jdom, jgraph Components
- 4 files are included in the package: (1) fs01.m - the 1st-order local linear approximation (LLA) very similar to algorithm by Farmer and Sidorowich (1987). Uses constrained linear least squares (lsqlin) and (2) ts1
- Nelder-Mead SIMPS = Strategy Simplex Constrained minimizer, based on iterations of full-dimensional simplex calls (Nelder-Mead direct search method), each time followed by a series of two-dimensional simplex c
- Writing Testbenches Using SystemVerilog offers a clear blueprint of a verification process that aims for first-time success using the SystemVerilog language. From simulators to source management tools, from specification
- 几篇解读FPGA内部时序问题的好文章,从最近本的Tco,Tsu,Th等入门。一直到如何对时序进行约束,如何处理各种影响FPGA时钟的因素。如何读懂时序图(Interpreting the Timing Diagram) -FPGA internal timing problems read several good articles, from the most recent of Tco, Tsu, Th and other entr
- 最小二乘隐空间支持向量机 王玲 薄列峰 刘芳 焦李成 ! 在隐空间中采用最小二乘损失函数$提出了 最 小 二 乘 隐 空 间 支 持 向 量 机#0*&**52H 8 同 隐 空 间 支 持 向 量机#&**52H 一样$最小二乘隐空间支持向量机不需 要 核 函 数 满 足 正 定 条 件$从 而 扩 展 了 支 持 向 量 机 核 函 数 的 选择范围 8 由于采用了最小二乘损失函数$最小二乘隐空间支
- Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) is a C-language code developed to statistically find the best global fit of a nonlinear constrained non-convex cost-function over a D-dimensional space. This algorithm permits an
- 遗传算法解决简单的无时限有约束VRP车辆路径问题-Genetic algorithm to solve a simple non-time constrained VRP Vehicle Routing Problem
- 用遗传算法解决带有时间约束软时间窗口的VRP(旅行商)旅行商问题(Solving the VRP (traveling salesman) traveling salesman problem with time constrained soft time windows by genetic algorith)