CORE 图形系统
- Graph with no options takes pairs of points (two numbers per line) from the given file (or standard input) as x- and y- values and plots them on the screen, connected by straight lines. A string surrounded by qu
- 具有图形化界面的一个路由模拟程序。路由算法为Dijkstra算法。具有求出图中任意节点间所有最短路径以及最短路径子图的功能。这是一个点对点(S-T)Dijkstra算法的改进。用于求两点间的所有最短路径。-graphical interface with the simulation of a routing procedures. Routing algorithm Dijkstra algorithm. With map obtai
- This toolbox contains Matlab code for several graph and mesh partitioning methods, including geometric, spectral, geometric spectral, and coordinate bisection. It also has routines to generate recursive multiway partitio
- MemoryMonitor demonstrates the use of the java.lang.management API in observing the memory usage of all memory pools consumed by the application. This simple demo program queries the memory usage of each memory
- 图论:最大支撑树算法实现 GraphM.h GraphOpr.h MaxST.cpp MaxST.dsp MaxST.dsw MaxST.h MaxST.ncb MaxST.opt MaxST.plg MaxST.sln MaxST.vcproj sample.gph-graph theory : the largest Spanning Tree Algorithm GraphM.h G
- 试扩充深度优先搜索算法,在遍历图的过程中建立生成森林的左子女-右兄弟链表。算法的首部为 void Graph::DFS ( const int v, int visited [ ], TreeNode<int> * t ) 其中,指针t指向生成森林上具有图顶点v信息的根结点。(提示:在继续按深度方向从根v的某一未访问过的邻接顶点w向下遍历之前,建立子女结点。但需要判断是作为根的第一个子女还是作为其子女的右兄弟链入生成树。)
- Desc: DirectShow sample code - C++ console application demonstrating use of the IMediaDet interface to create a graph that contains a sample grabber filter. It shows how to use the sample grabber and a COM obje
- 给出了二次函数的Julia集分形图的概念及逃逸时间算法绘制复杂分形图的基本原理,对Julia集给出了严格的数学定义.逃逸时间算法即取定迭代次数界限N,经N次迭代后,若x点仍在给定的区域内,则认为x是分形A中的点 否则x不是分形A中的点.该算法同样适用于Mandelbrot集、Sierpinski三角形等其他复杂分形图.试验表明,该算法绘制的Julia集分形图准确有效、优美清晰,算法简单实用. -given quadratic fu
- 给定一棵树T,树中每个顶点u都有一个权w(u),权可以是负数。现在要找到树T的一个连通子图使该子图的权之和最大。-given a tree T, tree each vertex u have a right to w (u), the right to be negative. Now to find a tree T connectivity graph so that the graph of the rights and th
- Graphviz - Graph Drawing Programs from AT&T Research and Lucent Bell Labs See doc/build.html for prerequisites and detailed build notes.
- serial communication with PIC and graph f(t)
- 本书共分6篇,第1篇统计学基础知识与SAS软件应用技巧,介绍了统计学的基本概念和学习方法、试验设计入门、统计描述、SAS软件应用入门、编写SAS实用程序的技巧、单变量统计分析和利用SAS/GRAPH模块绘制常用统计图的方法。第2篇试验设计与定量资料的统计分析,介绍了与t检验、非参数检验和各种方差分析有关的试验设计和数据处理方法。第3篇试验设计与定性资料的统计分析,介绍了处理二维及高维列联表资料的各种统计分析 方法,包括卡方检验、Fish
- 求最小Hamilton回路功能:在n个顶点的带权图G中,一条Hamilton回路是一顶点序列v1,v2,• • • • vn 其中,每个顶点vi由一条边连到vi+1(i=1,2,• • • • • ,n-1),而vn被连到v1。在所有的Hamilton回路中,寻找一条权值和最小的回路,这条回路就是最小Hamilton回路-circuit for t
- LCD 仿真器 一、概述 LCD仿真器是一种电子产品的辅助开发工具。目前LCD(液晶屏)在各种电子产品的使用越来越广泛,开发人员在开发带LCD的产品时会用到各种各样的LCD,这些LCD或是现有的,或是定制,现有的LCD不一定能完全满足设计需要,定制LCD需要时间,需要资金,做好后还有修改的可能性,造成不必要的浪费。传统的做法是用LED(发光管)+驱动电路来仿真LCD,其弊端有四,一、电路复杂,功耗大,100多点的LCD电流将达1A左右。
- Trolltech公司发布的基于C++图形开发环境,支持大量的API,是Linux下的图形界面开发利器。这是一个移植到嵌入式系统上的版本! -Graph develop library published by Trolltech company, include many graph API that can used in Linux, and can replant to embedded systems.
CORE 图形系统
- Graph with no options takes pairs of points (two numbers per line) from the given file (or standard input) as x- and y- values and plots them on the screen, connected by straight lines. A string surrounded by qu
- f you have not registered, Please [regist first].You should upload at least five sourcecodes/documents. (upload 5 files, you can download 200 files). Webmaster will activate your member account after checking your file
- 回溯经典-m图着色问题(和地图4色问题的区别) - train的专栏 - CSDN博客-Back classic-m graph coloring problem (and the 4-color map problem of difference)- train column- CSDN blog
- graphcut应用 Global optimisation via s-t graph cuts is widely used in computer vision and graphics. To obtain high-resolution output, graph cut methods must construct massive N-D grid-graphs containing billions of ve
- min s-t graph cut // max flow