- The Viterbi algorithm is the same as the binary case with one main difference: The survivor sequences include the uncoded bits, which are decided at each trellis stage when selecting one of two parallel branches with the
- 基于PSP的viter改进算法,用于通信中的信道均衡-Based on the PSP
- scr ipt for computing BER with Binary Convolutional Code and Viterbi decoding with finite survivor state memory and variable traceback depth Convolutional code of Rate-1/2, Generator polynomial - [7,5] octa
- scr ipt for computing BER with Binary Convolutional Code and Viterbi decoding with finite survivor state memory Convolutional code of Rate-1/2, Generator polynomial - [7,5] octal Hard decision and soft deciso
- 装系统的必备良药,是您的不悔选择。还等什么。-Search and rescue teams have been combing the rubble of collapsed buildings, hoping to find survivors, despite the bleak outlook. No survivor has been pulled from the wreckage since Wednesday.
- 救援机器人是为灾难救援而采取先进科学技术研制的机器人,它是一种专门用于大地震后在地下废墟中寻找幸存者参与救援任务的机器人。这种机器人配备了彩色摄像机、电子罗盘、测距定位系统和通讯系统。本控制系统是基于凌动(ATOM)N270处理器的嵌入式救援机器人控制系统,具有远程遥控、图像传输、地图绘制等功能。-Rescue robot is devoloped for disaster rescue by advance science and t
- n个人围成一个圈,并将他们从1到n编上号,从号为1的那个人那里开始计数,每次消去第二个人,到最后只留下一个幸存者。-N individual into a circle, and their number from 1 to n, start counting from the number 1 person, every time elimination, the second to the last to leave only a
- 维特比译码越来越受人们关注,该程序实现维特比译码产生幸存路径-Viterbi decoding more and more attention, the program generates a survivor path Viterbi decoding
- This survivor subtitle.-This is survivor subtitle.
- This a Viterbi Decoding Algorithm Trace Back algorithm. Very useful for decoding in communication channel. the Survivor path is taken to be four bits. We have taken 4 states here. The branch metrics are calculates accord
- 实现维特比译码 survivor state是一个矩阵,它显T了通过网格的最优路径,这个矩阵通过一个单独的函数metric(x,y)给出。(viterbi decoder function[decoder_output,survivor_state,cumulated_metric]=viterbi_decoder(G,k,channel_output) n=size(G,1);)