- (1)控制步进电机正传或者反转 (2)简易定位电机现在的位置 (3)自动还原到原来位置 (4)实验平台:stm32+28BYJ-48不经电机((1) control the stepper motor or reverse (2) the location of the simple positioning motor (3) automatically revert to its original position (4)
- 步进电机底层驱动,用stm32进行开发与编程(Stepper motor driver, using STM32 for development and programming)
频率 脉冲可控,驱动步进电机
- 使用定时器互联方式,控制步进电机,实测脉冲个数和频率都可控(Using the interconnected timer, the step motor is controlled, the number and frequency of the measured pulse are controlled.)
- stm32控制步进电机,可以用调整速度。(STM32 controls the stepping motor, and the speed can be adjusted.)
- 基于STM32的两项四线步进电机代码,直接操控寄存器,相比库函数更容易理解,适合新手(STM32 based two four line stepping motor code, direct control register, compared to the library function easier to understand, suitable for novice)
频率 脉冲可控,驱动步进电机
- 利用stm32驱动步进电机的开发程序,STM32系列基于专为要求高性能、低成本、低功耗的嵌入式应用专门设计的ARM Cortex?-M0,M0+,M3, M4和M7内核(ST's product portfolio contains a comprehensive range of microcontrollers, from robust, low-cost 8-bit MCUs up to 32-bit ARM-based Cort
步进电机参考程序 带注释
- 适合改多轴步进电机控制。使用定时器中断与外部中断实现。使用步进电机驱动器。(Suitable for multi-axis stepper motor control. Using timer interrupts and external interrupts. Use a stepper motor driver.)
- 基于stm32步进电机定位控制,通过pwm能够精确的对步进电机定位(Based on the STM32 step motor positioning control, the step motor can be accurately positioned through the PWM)
- stm32定时中断PWM输出指定脉冲控制步进电机角度(STM32 interrupts PWM output regularly, specifying pulse to control stepper motor angle.)
- 基于STM32F405的步进电机驱动工程(Step motor driving engineering based on STM32F405)
stm32 步进电机驱动 pwm 加减速控制
- 双轴步进电机,pwm加减速控制,带细分功能。(Double axis stepper motor, PWM acceleration and deceleration control, with subdivision function.)
- STM32步进电机加减速曲线控制motor(STM32 stepper motor plus deceleration curve control motor)
- 驱动五线四相步进电机,用STM32F103作为主控芯片,(Driving five wire four phase stepper motor, using STM32F103 as main control chip.)
- 基于STM32F103系列单片机驱动步进电机源代码(Driving stepper motor source code)
- 基于stm32单片机的步进电机控制,具有开始点记忆功能,各种调速等(STM32 microcontroller based stepper motor control, with starting point memory function, speed regulation and so on.)
- STM32单片机4轴步进电机加减速控制算法MDK源码(STM32 MCU 4-axis stepper motor acceleration and deceleration control algorithm MDK source code)
步进电机驱动器 - TIM1
- 使用STM32控制步进电机以500HZ的频率正转,反转,回原点等功能(STM32 is used to control stepper motor's functions such as forward, reverse and return to the origin at 500HZ frequency)
STM32 步进电机驱动芯片DRV8825
- STM32 步进电机驱动芯片DRV8825(STM32 stepping motor driver chip drv8825)
- 实现用单片机定时器对输出脉冲的计数以及加减速对步进电机进行控制 亲测好用(It can count the output pulse with the timer of single chip microcomputer and control the stepping motor with acceleration and deceleration)
- 基于stm32开发板的步进电机的控制程序源码(the control of motor base on stm32)