- Round-robin scheduling algorithm is one of the simplest scheduling algorithms. It is designed especially for time-sharing systems. The ready queue is treated as a circular queue. The algorithm assigns a time slice(also c
- The goal of this exercise is to understand the concept of starvation and unfairness in IEEE 802.11 standard.
- 用图形界面模拟如下场景:一个圆桌上有一个大碗面,5个盘子,每位哲学家一个,还有5把叉子。每个想吃饭的哲学家将做到桌子旁边分配给他的位置上,使用盘子两侧的叉子,取面和吃面。问题是:设计一个算法以允许哲学家吃饭。算法必须保证互斥(没有两位哲学家同时使用同一把叉子),同时还要避免死锁和饥饿。-Use graphical interface simulation scenario is as follows: a round-table, th
- 五个哲学家的就餐问题,程序中有左撇子存在,不存在饿死的情况!-Five dining philosophers problem, procedures exist in the left-handed, there is no case of starvation!
- Round-robin scheduling algorithm is one of the simplest scheduling algorithms. It is designed especially for time-sharing systems. The ready queue is treated as a circular queue. The algorithm assigns a time slice(also c
- The goal of this exercise is to understand the concept of starvation and unfairness in IEEE 802.11 standard. -The goal of this exercise is to understand the concept of starvation and unfairness in IEEE 802.11 standard.
- 英国帝国理工学院电脑系多线程课程教学材料之十二 ---- 读取者与写入者范例(starvation修正版)-This version gives priority to Writers by making Readers defer to waiting Reader threads. Consequently, Writers do not starve, however, giving Writers priority means
- 哲学家就餐问题的模拟(ucos实现) 问题描述: 5个哲学家围绕一张圆桌而坐,桌子上放着5支筷子,每两个哲学家之间放一支; 哲学家的动作包括思考和进餐; 进餐时需要同时拿起他左边和右边的两支筷子;思考时则同时将两支筷子放回原处。 程序解决了哲学家的就餐问题。 避免死锁(deadlock) 避免饥饿(starvation) 程序使用的使用消息邮箱模拟二值信号量-philosopher eatin
- Producer-consumer problem solved with mutex, with no starvation.
- SCAN or elevator algorithm arm moves in one direction only until it reaches last track (or until no further requests in that direction, also known as LOOK), servicing requests as it goes reverses direction af
- Non-Saturation and Saturation Analysis of IEEE 802.11e EDCA with Starvation Prediction the model describes differentiation based on different AIFS-values, in addition to the other adjustable parameters (i.e. window-siz
- 观察死锁产生的现象,考虑解决死锁问题的方法。从而进一步加深对于死锁问题的理解。解决死锁问题的几种算法的编程和调试技术。怎样构造管程和条件变量,利用管程机制来避免死锁和饥俄问题的发生。-Have observed the phenomenon of deadlock, consider solving the deadlock problem. So as to further deepen the understanding of th
- 磁盘驱动调度对磁盘的效率有重要影响。磁盘驱动调度算法的好坏直接影响辅助存储器的效率,从而影响计算机系统的整体效率。 常用的磁盘驱动调度算法有:最简单的磁盘驱动调度算法是先入先出(FIFO)法。这种算法的实质是,总是严格按时间顺序对磁盘请求予以处理。算法实现简单、易于理解并且相对公平,不会发生进程饿死现象。但该算法可能会移动的柱面数较多并且会经常更换移动方向,效率有待提高。-Disk drive scheduling effici
- The goal of this is to understand the concept of starvation and unfairness in IEEE 802.11 standard.-The goal of this is to understand the concept of starvation and unfairness in IEEE 802.11 standard.
- 一个java线程安全的单例模式:饥饿模式和延迟加载-A java thread-safe singleton pattern: starvation mode and lazy loading