- This code is just a front-end to source separation algorithms.-This code is just a front-end to SEPA source ration algorithms.
- This book is about the management of business processes. This is certainly not a new topic. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, it has been written about from every possible point of view—economic, so
- 本代码内容是关于带遥控器控制的LCD显示的实时时钟。-contents of the code on the remote control with the control of the LCD display real-time clock.
- /*系统时钟采用 Fosc=7.373 定时器方式1的定时时间 Time=(65536-THTL)*2/Fosc,默认5ms 定时器1工作在16位,用作系统时钟 定时器0工作在16位,作为定时开始采样用,定时范围为0.1ms(0xfe8f)-15ms(0x27fe),默认为1ms=0xf19a,可以通过设置命令改变 串行口波特率由内部产生,11.059MHz->BRGR1:0=0x0050=115200Bps,0x
- 3个CPU调度算法的simulation. 分别是Short Job First,High Return Ration Next, Round Robin. 模拟得到R,U,S等重要指标。
- salt & pepper gaussian Picture Signal Noise Ration (PSNR)
- This code is just a front-end to source separation algorithms.-This code is just a front-end to SEPA source ration algorithms.
- This book is about the management of business processes. This is certainly not a new topic. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, it has been written about from every possible point of view—economic, so
- Rational Rose 的电子书教程,适合学生学习-Rational Rose's Guide to e-books suitable for students learning
- 本代码内容是关于带遥控器控制的LCD显示的实时时钟。-contents of the code on the remote control with the control of the LCD display real-time clock.
- /*系统时钟采用 Fosc=7.373 定时器方式1的定时时间 Time=(65536-THTL)*2/Fosc,默认5ms 定时器1工作在16位,用作系统时钟 定时器0工作在16位,作为定时开始采样用,定时范围为0.1ms(0xfe8f)-15ms(0x27fe),默认为1ms=0xf19a,可以通过设置命令改变 串行口波特率由内部产生,11.059MHz->BRGR1:0=0x0050=115200Bps,0x
- 3个CPU调度算法的simulation. 分别是Short Job First,High Return Ration Next, Round Robin. 模拟得到R,U,S等重要指标。-3 CPU scheduling algorithm of the simulation. Were Short Job First, High Return Ration Next, Round Robin. Simulated R, U, S
- The exercise should be finished in English. 2. According to Prof. Zhang s requirement, this exercise mainly focuses on the BER performance of some wireless communication system using specific coding and modulation typ
- 采用链式存储结构实现以下任务。 1. 航空客运订票的业务活动包括:查询航线、客票预定和办理退票等。试设计一个航空客运订票系统,以使上述业务可以借助计算机来完成。要求: (1)每条航线所涉及的信息有:终点站名terminus、航班号flight_numbe、飞机号plane_number、飞行日期year, month, day、乘员定额ration、余票量remaining、已订票的客户名单roll(包括姓名name、订票量ti
- mpeg-4 standards for the implementation of the mpeg video compression for the quality compression standards with less compression ration and best quality-mpeg-4 standards for the implementation of the mpeg video compress
- 4qam 误差分析,并画出图像显示 4qam 误差分析,并画出图像显示-4qam biter ration error simulation 4qam biter ration error simulation4qam biter ration error simulation
- 高速高分辨率CCD器件的实用化是近年图像采集领域的一个研究热点。选用科学级柯达 新型高分辨率可见光面阵CCD KA I- 0304设计了一种高速图像采集系统。该系统采用KSC - 100作为时序发生器驱动面阵CCD 和信号处理器AD9840A, 实现对CCD面阵输出模拟信号的高速A /D转换, 并将信号快速转存至片外SDRAM 存储器, 经USB 采集系统将数据发送到计算机。系统采用相关双采样( CDS)技术滤除信号中的相关噪声,
- 明确子模块详细设计,规定每个模块需要完成的功能并画出相应的类图和时序图来更好的熟悉和理解各个模块的流程和功能,以确保系统能定时定期定量高效的完成-Clear the son module detailed design, provisions each module needed to be done function and draw the corresponding class diagram and the timing dia
- 根据炼铁新厂煤气放散塔自控系统的运行情况, 从RockW e ll工控软件RsL inx 入手, 分析了RsL inx 软件的通 讯方式, 提出了采用动态数据交换技术的通讯方案。并用Delphi编制程序, 实现了数据远传和显示, 声音报警等功 能, 保证了煤气系统安全运行。同时也为数据存储, 不同工控系统数据交换提供了一种方法-The deve lopm ent program o f dynam ic da ta exchan
- 课本配给的光盘,进行多个文件上传和下载。安全无毒。放心使用。-CD ration books, multiple file uploads and downloads. Safe and nontoxic. Ease of use.