ATL Internals源码.rar
- The source code samples for chapter 2, 4, 6, and 8 are contained in the EvenChapters project. Those chapters all reference various aspects of this single project. The source code for the BullsEye control (chapter 10
- ATL object wizard is just not restricted for ATL COM appwizards. It can be used in any application provided the project meets certain requirements. You can use this appwizard to create ordinary(non - COM) Win32 applicati
// copyright by Peter Huber, Singapore, 2006
// this code is provided as is, bugs are probable, free for any use at own risk, no
// responsibility accepted. All rights, title and interest in and to the
// this code is provided as is, bugs are probable, free for any use at own risk, no
// responsibility accepted. All rights, title and interest in and to the accompanying content retained. :-)
- 这个类提供了一个快速和更简单的方式来使用RC4算法来加密和解密文件。它也包括了用来打开,读取,编写和附加文件的方法。包括了一个类的演示客户端程序。- This kind has provided fast and the simpler way uses the RC4 algorithm to encrypt reconciles the dense document. It also included has used for
- 目录串口通信高级编程提供了一个能够进行串口通信的类,能够方便地进行各种数据通信。- The table of contents string mouth correspondence high-level programming provided to be able to carry on the string mouth correspondence the kind, could conveniently carry on e
- 如果在您的软件中需要输出报表,您也许有很多办法,但实现起来估计就不简单了。其实用DHTML提供的表格可以在很大程度上满足一般的需求。本文正是试图通过包装对DHTML表格的操作使程序员从无聊的报表设计中解脱出来。-If you need software output statements, you may have many alternatives, but will not be realized simply estimates.
- A-Law/U-Law/Linear格式相互转换:这个程序提供了在A-Law,U-Law和16位线性音频编码格式之间的转换算法,您可以在编译的时候选择采用快速查表算法还是节省存储空间的计算算法。-A-Law/U-Law/Linear format conversion : This procedure provided in A-Law, U-Law and 16 linear Audio Coding format conversio
- 使用两个不同的源代码控制程序:Microsoft Visual Source Safe 和Rational ClearCase。它们都提供了Microsoft Visual Studio IDE的良好的接口,所以可在编辑文件时checkout/checkin文件。 Visual Studio没有提示你使用SCC,这个小工具可以显示注册,让你设置一个SCC作为缺省的SCC。- Uses two different sources code
- COBF (aka C-Obfuscator) is a program which manipulates C or C++ sourcefiles in a way that they aren t readable by human beings but they remain compilable. The benefit of COBF lies in the distribution of programs (freewar
MS Access file exadoce
- Setting up an ADOCE project using Visual C++ 6.0 is rather simple. Assuming that you have downloaded and installed the ADOCE SDK from Microsoft, you are ready to use it in your Windows CE Database applications. The sampl
- 本次设计要求我使用最不经常使用页面淘汰算法。该算法在需要太太某一页是,首先淘汰到当前时间为止,被访问次数最少的那一页。这只要在页表中给每一页增设一个访问计数器即可实现。每当该页被访问时,访问计数器加1,而发生一次缺页中断时,则淘汰计数值最小的那一页,并将所有的计数器清零。-the design I use most frequently used pages out algorithm. The algorithm needs his
- 主要功能: 1、xpGrid数据控件:根据数据库数据字典定义自动生成DataGrid,可不用写代码即可实现数据的增删改 2、集成的权限控制功能,权限按字段分配,可精确控制字段的读写属性 3、丰富的数据编辑方式:提供按Form方式编辑和按Grid方式编辑两种方式数据编辑界面,对字段的输入方式提供:普通文本框、复选框、密码框、多行文本、下拉列表、引用其它表等多种输入方式 4、数据重构:动态的修改数据字典,通过对数据字典的修改可动态的控制前台
- 請使用「Macromedia Flash MX 文件更新程式」更新 Macromedia Flash MX 的說明系統。更新程式包含關於多語言文字、建立組件、使用繪圖 API 以及 Macromedia Flash Player (6r40) 新增功能的新文件。這裡還提供使用 Macromedia Flash 學習互動的新教學課程以及 Actionscr ipt 字典的更新。-please use the "Macromedi
- Java RMI 编程, 实现远程方法调用, 接口提供了一些功能, 通过注册并创建实例来远程调用用户需要的服务.-Java RMI programming, Remote Method Invocation, Interface provided some functions, and created examples distance call service user needs.
- 用VC实现的PING源代码,提供了两种实现方式:1、Windows Socket;2、基于ICMP。代码总共才500多行,对于理解PING程序原理很有帮助-with VC's PING source code, provided implemented in two ways : one, Windows Socket; 2, based on ICMP. A total of code before more than 500
- 考虑L的三个不同值:L=256(3个数据段),L=128(7个数据段)和L=64(15个数据段)。各自的谱估计图如上图所示。可以明显的看到,加窗明显的减小了频谱上的假谱峰,但也更加进一步平滑了谱峰。所以,对于L=64的情况,在ω=0.8π的谱线可以很确定的辨认,但是那两个靠近的谱峰不容易区分。对于L=128的情况,这种情况提供了在分离和检测间最好的均衡。当然,对于在L=256时的情况,效果是更好的,能够从谱估计图上明显的分辨出三条谱线的
- 高亮度LED驱动程序 C51 由原厂提供,经测试正常-High-brightness LED driver C51 provided by the manufacturer, after the tests are normal
- 最主要的还是通过windows所提供的api函数来实现各种操作的,这些函数通常-The main or provided by Windows API function to realize various operations, these function normally
- LDPC研究者MacKay提供的校验矩阵H及对应的生成矩阵G,其中H行重为6(LDPC check matrix H provided by researchers MacKay and corresponding to the generator matrix of G, the weight of 6 H)