- provide an overview of the radar probability of detection calculations and related topics.-provide an overview of the radar probabili ty of detection calculations and related topic s.
- provide an overview of the radar probability of detection calculations and related topics.-provide an overview of the radar probabili ty of detection calculations and related topic s.
- matlab 应用数学工具箱的使用,包括概率统计、偏微分方程等。-matlab toolbox of applied mathematics, including probability and statistics, such as partial differential equations.
- Solution manual for "A first course in probability by Ro-Solution manual for "A first course in probability by Ross
- 文中用计算机搜索法构造大量不同周期 M 序列样本,运用统计学方法加以分析,指出M 序列的自相关函数最大旁瓣的概率分布类似莱斯分布,对 M 序列的优选有指导性意义。-A large number of M sequences are generated by the computer search method as a swatch. And statistical analysis shows that the statist