- 加拿大PointGrey公司的双目摄像头演示程序,包括:图像采集、图像处理、滤波、平滑、立体显示、深度计算等。-Canada s PointGrey binocular camera demo program, including: image acquisition, image processing, filtering, smoothing, three-dimensional display, in-depth calculat
- VideoMan is a very easy image acquisition library. It is able to manage many video inputs at the same time, such as WDM Firewire and USB cameras, PointGrey cameras and video files. It can also render the inputs using Ope
- VideoMan is a very easy image acquisition library. It is able to manage many video inputs at the same time, such as WDM Firewire and USB cameras, PointGrey cameras and video files. It can also render the inputs using Ope
- VideoMan is a very easy image acquisition library. It is able to manage many video inputs at the same time, such as WDM Firewire and USB cameras, PointGrey cameras and video files. It can also render the inputs using Ope
- VideoMan is a very easy image acquisition library. It is able to manage many video inputs at the same time, such as WDM Firewire and USB cameras, PointGrey cameras and video files. It can also render the inputs using Ope
- VideoMan is a very easy image acquisition library. It is able to manage many video inputs at the same time, such as WDM Firewire and USB cameras, PointGrey cameras and video files. It can also render the inputs using Ope
- pointgrey fly2采集卡程序 VC+i-pointgrey fly2 acquisition card program VC+ipp
- VC++6, PointGrey Camera Grab Test
- 基于Qt的PointGrey灰点相机工程,采用多线程控制,采集图像并保存。-Qt-based PointGrey gray dot camera works, using multiple threads of control, capture images and save them.
- 基于VC的PointGrey灰点相机工程,可采用事件触发或多线程控制,包含单帧采集和连续采集等功能。-VC-based PointGrey gray camera works, can be multi-threaded event-triggered control, including single fr a me capture and continuous acquisition functions.
- 通过配置pointgrey的SDK(FlyCapture)来读取相机拍摄的图片并将其转换为Mat格式显示-capture the image of the pointgrey camera by using visual studio 2010 and SDK(FlyCapture).then convert the image captured to the Mat format
- opecv MFC Halcon库计算光学景深,使用PointGrey相机-opecv MFC Halcon
- 这是自己使用的一个pointgrey相机采集API(the api of pointgrey camera grabbing)