- Welcome to PMOS. PMOS is a set of modules, mostly written in Modula-2, to support multitasking. PMOS was designed primarily with real-time applications in mind. It is not an operating system in the conventional sen
- 模拟基本电路的Hspice仿真文件 从基本的Nmos和Pmos管开始
- Welcome to PMOS. PMOS is a set of modules, mostly written in Modula-2, to support multitasking. PMOS was designed primarily with real-time applications in mind. It is not an operating system in the conventional sen
- 计算电路中晶体管的关键参数。 界面友好,功能实用。-a useful tools to calculate the scale of mos transistor. This Program is dedicated to calculate the Parameters of the MOSFET in analog IC design. Microsoft .net fr a mework 2.0 or above is
- Small Signal Analysis of a PMOS transistor. From this equation it is evident that ISD is a function of VSG, VSD, and VSB, where VSB appears due to the threshold voltage when we have to consider the body-effect.
- 文章介绍了两种输出分别为不可变和可变的CMOS带隙基准电路。采用PMOS和NMOS 共源共栅电流镜代替经典结构中的电阻,给双极型晶体管提供偏置电流,降低了功耗,并 且减小了沟道长度调制效应带来的误差。采用smic0.18um工艺,3.3V电源电压进行仿真。 结果表明,在0-800C温度范围内,两种CMOS带隙基准输出电压的温度系数分别为 5x10/℃和3.1x10-5/0C 在电源电压大于2.5V时,电源电压的变化对输出
- LF398采样保持器,由双极性绝缘栅场效应管组成,它具有采样速度快、保持下降速度慢、精度高等特点,采样时间小于6μs时精度可达O.01%;采用双极性输入状态可获得低偏置电压和宽频带;抗干扰能力强,不易受温度影响;芯片上的逻辑输入端均为具有低输入电流的差动输入,允许直接与TTL、PMOS和CMOS相连,差动门限为1.4 V,电源电压可在士5 V和±18 V之间变化.-LF398 sample and hold device, the i
- 单点企业OA应用,这个事集成化一体安装包,无需设置环境。-Single Point Enterprise OA applications, this thing one integrated package, no need to set the environment.
- Viterbi decoder is used for decoding data encoded using Convolution Forward Error Correction codes or data that suffers inter-symbol interference. They occur in a large proportion of digital transmission. Viterbi dec
- 面向锂离子/聚合物电池、易于使用和纤巧的并联电池充电器系统IC LTC4070。该器件以其 450nA 的工作电流,用以前不能使用的非常低电流、断续或连续充电电源,对电池进行充电和保护。增加一个外部 PMOS 并联器件后,LTC4070 的充电电流可以从 50mA 提高(IC LTC 4070 for lithium ion polymer battery, easy to use and flexible parallel batte