- 支持对 声音 的采集,和输出- Supports to sound gathering, with outputs
- 用LPC213X系列的PWM来产生语音。语音数据来源于PC机转换后得到的。最大可以是16位的。 由于是PWM所以输出端口需要低通滤波才能够得到比较干净的声音。 可以经过修改使用LPC2132以上的ARM的D/A来产生。 This project outputs audio on PWM0 using wave samples that are stored in the on-chip Flash ROM. -LPC2
- soo search是一个服务的接口,目标为简化搜索引擎的定制规则,加速全文索引的快速高效的开发。通过javaBean技术,把资源对象化,以建立方便的资源管理机制。soosoo search把资源的输入和输出通过一个值对象(bean)和用户进行交互,这样soosoo search可以快速的和现有的j2ee开源框架进行集成。soosoo search提供了两个接口,一个是索引器接口,一个是检索器接口。而这里两个接口的实现都是通过公共的数据
- Outputs messages to a 2line LCD
- DAC outputs a sine wave 550Hz to DAC0. Rate calculations assume defualt clock of 2.097152MHz 针对于ADUC848-DAC outputs a sine wave 550Hz to DAC0. Rate c alculations assume defualt clock of 2.097152M Hz to address ADUC8
- 银行代收电话费管理系统 1、使用文件管理整个收费信息,内容有:客户姓名C16,电话号码N11,市话费F7.2,长途费F7.2,信息费F7.2,ADSL费F7.2,费用合计F8.2,对应年月N6,收费状态C(0――未收,1――已收),收费日期D,银行帐号N20,收费人编姓名 2、提供的功能:(注:所有输出送显示器) 按月统计总的收费情况和按天统计每天的收费金额;收费、退费的处理及相应单据的输出;提供按姓名和电话号码查询收费状况
- This ZIP file contains the support files for programming the Infineon C167CR CAN interface. Refer to Application Note 115a for details of this example code.-This ZIP file contains the support fo files r programming the I
- This ZIP file contains the support files for programming the Infineon C167CR CAN interface. Refer to Application Note 115a for details of this example code. this is part 2-This ZIP file contains the support fo files r
- This example program shows how to configure and use the A/D Converter of the following microcontroller: STMicroelectronics ST10F166 After configuring the A/D, the program reads the A/D result and outputs the conv
- Multiple Outputs 神经网络算发演示2-Multiple Outputs count neural network made two demo
- 以74LS273作为输出口,控制4个双色LED灯(可发红,绿,黄光),模拟交通灯管理-to 74LS273 as outputs, control four color LED lights (which can redness, green, yellow), management simulation of traffic lights
- 5 Interrupt Timers & 2 Clock Outputs-five Interrupt Timers
- Keil uVision2下,串口模式0串行移位输出,与74LS164配合点亮7段数码管-Keil uVision2, strings together the mouth pattern 0 serial shifting outputs, lightens 7 sections of digital tubes with the 74LS164 coordination
- This code recognizes typed latin optical characters and outputs the corresponding Unicode value and character. It is implemented using Artificial Neural Network methods and can be trained for any available font type.-Thi
- EXAMPLE SOURCE CODE FOR IMPLIB FILTER This filter accepts input through the standard input stream, convertsit and outputs it to the standard output am. The streams are linkedthrough pipes, such that the input stream
- EXAMPLE SOURCE CODE FOR TASM FILTER his filter accepts input through the standard input stream, converts it and outputs it to the standard output stream. The streams are linked through pipes, such that the input stre
- Reducer: Given a dataset and a file containing a reduct, this program outputs a new dataset containing only the attributes appearing in the reduct file. -Reducer : Given a dataset and a file containing a reduct. this
- Reducer: Given a dataset and a file containing a reduct, this program outputs a new dataset containing only the attributes appearing in the reduct file. -Reducer : Given a dataset and a file containing a reduct. this
- 链表的输出和连接,如创建一个链表,反向输出一个链表,连接链表等-List of outputs and connections
- outputs of electrification system