图论算法库 C++ 语言实现
- 图论算法库 C++ 语言实现 代码内容 图论算法库,包括以下算法: 单源最短路径 Dijkstra 算法 单源最短路径 Bellman-Ford 算法 最小生成树 Prim 算法 每对节点间最短路径 Flod-Warshall 算法 语言 C++ 编译平台 VisualAge C++ 4.0 作者 starfish (starfish.h@china.com) 备注 程序用C++
- USB接口IO控制器 Win32 applications that run on Windows NT can programmatically eject media from drives that have hardware support for media removal. However, they must do so correctly to avoid corrupting the media. This art
- 说明: 1.具体说明请见每个文件夹下的说明 2.如有问题请到请到www.jjshang.com的论坛上探讨。 3.这些示例适合学习完《ASP.NET程序设计》的同学使用,对于还没有学完的初学者可以看,但是不要花太多功夫。-: 1. specify see each folder under Note 2. If problems arise, the free free www.jjshang.c om on the for
- 这一是一个工业级别的源码程序 用做粒径和含量分析的 我已经修改过了其中 用到com-this is a source of industrial-level procedures used for particle size analysis of the content and I have changed the use of which c om
- M-file for simulating a QPSK transmitter by modulating with a pseudo random bit stream. A serial to parallel conversion of the pseudo random bit stream is performed with mapping of two bits per symbol. A cosine and sine
- M-file for simulating a QPSK transmitter by modulating with a pseudo random bit stream. A serial to parallel conversion of the pseudo random bit stream is performed with mapping of two bits per symbol. A cosine and sine
- 简易网格控件.\\SOURCE\\ - contains LiteGrid control source files .\\VCTEST\\ - contains an example of LiteGrid usage from a MFC application. .\\VBTEST\\ - contains an example of LiteGrid usage from a VB project.-simp
- The tracert tool displays the various IP Addresses in the route of a network packet as it travels to a destination IP address from a source. An article which describes how tracert works and which also presents a C# compo
- (17.7k) ComLib demonstrates how to create a COM library. The zip contains two projects, one for the library and one for the test programme. There is also a readme.txt. Don t forget to register the dll before trying to ru
- This file came from Planet-Source-Code.com...the home millions of lines of source code You can view comments on this code/and or vote on it at: http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scr ipts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=58860
- Comm.jar是Sub实现底层串口操作的API,调用了本地的DLL文件,因为Java本身不具备直接访问硬件设置的能力,都是通过调用本地方法来实现的.可以Java的官方网站下载.下载之后把其中Comm.jar包导入到工程的Classpath中,把另外两个非常重要的文件javax.comm.properties和win32com.dll考贝到你的工程目录下,即java.user下.-Comm.jar is Sub achieve bott
- The program was written with some object-orientation in mind, which means that all functions that operate on a certain structure, has the structure s name as prefix in the function name, for example \"Bitstream_get\" whi
- 井字游戏:为双人对弈游戏,双方轮流放子,单任一行,列,斜线为三个相同的 子时即为胜利!, Well character game: For the two person playing chess game, both sides turn the exile, list any line, the row, the oblique line is three same periods of time from 11 p.m. to 1
- 基本网络编程实例 Winsock实现网络聊天室【\\chap1\\ChatRoom(Winsock)】-basic network programming examples Winsock Network Chat Room [\\ chap1 \\ ChatRo om (Winsock) --
- Compute one fr a me of a correlogram. The input data is a two-dimensional array of cochlear data, each row representing firing probabilities from one cochlear channel. The output picture is a two dimensional array
- 使用命令行注册OPC 服务器的实现方法(zhan826@hotmail.com)-use line login OPC server method (zhan826@hotmail.c om)
- Linux driver for FujiFilm FinePix digital cameras in PC-CAM (i.e. webcam) mode driver/ Contains the driver sources. Compile with \"make\". Then as root, install with \"make install\". Type \"modprob
- ADAPTIVETHRESHOLD An adaptive thresholding algorithm that seperates the foreground from the background with nonuniform illumination-ADAPTIVETHRESHOLD An adaptive threshold ing algorithm that separates the foreground fr o
- 图论算法库 C++ 语言实现 代码内容 图论算法库,包括以下算法: 单源最短路径 Dijkstra 算法 单源最短路径 Bellman-Ford 算法 最小生成树 Prim 算法 每对节点间最短路径 Flod-Warshall 算法 语言 C++ 编译平台 VisualAge C++ 4.0 作者 starfish (starfish.h@china.com) 备注 程序用C++语言编写,在VisualAge C++ 4.0下调试通过。
OM API测试工具(可执行程序、使用说明、代码)
- OM调用API测试工具。包含可执行程序、使用说明、代码等。(The OM invokes the API test tool.)