- 一个简单的找零系统的案例,自己看吧哈哈仓库管理系统简介 仓储在企业的整个供应链中起着至关重要的作用,如果不能保证正确的进货和库存控制及发货,将会导致管理费用的增加,服务质量难以得到保证,从而影响企业的竞争力。传统简单、静态的仓储管理已无法保证企业各种资源的高效利用。如今的仓库作业和库存控制作业已十分复杂化多样化,仅靠人工记忆和手工录入,不但费时费力,而且容易出错,给企业带来巨大损失。使用条码管理系统,对仓-a simple Cha
- This a scr ipt for working with short TCP files with several source nodes, sharing a single bottleneck link. It is used to show how with proper choice of CIR, marking decreases losses of vulnerable packets (syns etc).
- 本软件只提供服务测试和学习使用,如有用于非法用途而造成个人或国家财产损失 的,请立即到相关部门自首!-the only provide software testing services and learning to use, if used for illegal purposes and cause personal or property losses, and requested relevant departments
- 小球落地弹跳过程仿真。 可以在界面中输入小球的初始高度,初速度,落地弹跳后的能量损失,重力加速度等参数来显示小球的运动轨迹。-bouncing ball landed process simulation. The input interface of the initial ball high early speed, bouncing landing after the energy losses gravity paramete
- 和MSN一摸一样的客户端,而且支持P2P. Jackle 是一个基于Qt4基础上的仿MSN的客户端,基本上MSN的功能都给实现了,界面几乎和MSN一摸一样,而且还支持P2P。-and MSN losses the same client, P2P and support. Jackle is one based on Qt4 based on the imitation of the MSN client, Basically, the
- 报童问题的计算机仿真 %tm一轮实验的预定模拟天数 %t一轮实验的仿真天数累积值 %z订报量 %z 最优订报量 %g订报量z之上界 %s1损失值之累计值 %s最小损失值值 %r按概率分布产生随机售报量样本-newsboy problem of computer simulation% tm an experimental simulation of the target number of days a
- 全世界最新的用 VS2005做的C#版本的任务管理器。简直和Windows里面系统自带的一摸一样,网上有很多都是一些半成品。这个就不一样,画了很多图。-world with the latest VS2005 do C# version of the task manager. Simply and Windows inside the system, bringing their losses, many of the Interne
- 5454 肯德基阔的 扩军地矿局马扩军地矿局阔阔 肯德基扩军卡扩军肯德基扩军地矿局扩军肯德基扩军卡负亏-5454 Kentucky wide arms race to Ma Mine Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Bureau for arms expansion and wide width Kentucky expanding its military expansion card
- 进销存系统ACCESS 管理系统是一个适用于中小型超市管理的软件,没有用户数量限制,主要特点:1所有商品进出可直接扫描(包括进货、零售、盘盈盘亏等处理)。 2支持钱箱功能、零售票据打印功能。-Invoicing System is a management system applicable to the small and medium-sized supermarket management software, no restr
- IP反向追踪技术综述 拒绝服务攻击(DoS)给政府部门和商业机构造成了严重的经济损失和社会威胁。IP追踪技术能够反向追踪IP数据包到它 们的源头,所以是识别和阻止DoS攻击的重要一步。本文针对DoS攻击,对比分析了各个IP反向追踪方法的基本原理和优缺点。 关键词 DoS攻击 主动追踪 反应追踪-IP traceback Technology denial of service attacks (DoS) to governm
- Using spectra to calculate strength of reflections and losses in passive cavities.The wavelength, reflection spectrum and transmission spectrum should be in the first 3 columns of an Excel file, which is selected when th
- 对原始信号做DCT的算法:Cox 和Piva 等人提出的DCT技术的经典之作。Cox利用随机数发生器产生标准正态序列作为水印信息对图像进行整体DCT变换后,选取除去DC系数之外部分较低频率系数叠加水印信息 Piva则修改整幅图像的中频部分。对原始信号分块后,再作DCT的算法:Hsu和Wu 把图像进行8*8分块,将一个二进制序列作为水印放入DCT的中频区;有些学者则计算整个图像的DCT,把一个实数序列嵌入DCT的中频系数上。选择中频区的好
overhead transmission line
- this program is to calculate the efficiency losses and transfered power of overhead transmission line power at various PF's and lengths
code matlab OHTL
- This program is to calculate the efficiency,losses and transfered power of the line at various PF's and lengths
- 一篇关于TCP-Vegas的文献:Vegas is an implementation of TCP that achieves between 37 and 71% better throughput on the Internet, with onefifth to one-half the losses, as compared to the implementation of TCP in the Reno distributi
- Worked a load flow problem for n-element generation and consumption with losses in the lines. The zip file contains all the files needed to solve any problem of load flow. Comments in Spanish.
- This a MATLAB Simulation for obtaining conduction and switching losses in Three-Phase OHSW(optimized harmonic stepped wafeform) cascaded 9-level inverter.The simulation has been done in several SUBSYSTEMS.The first one p
- Economic load dispatch in pattern recognition with losses
- network losses reduction
- Detection of malicious packets losses