- 用PWM产生锯齿波,应使PWM寄存器中的值线性增加,那么在PWM输出端将得到宽度线性增加的脉冲波,经滤波后,便可得到锯齿波。-have used PWM ramp, it should PWM register with the value of linear increase, then the PWM output will be increased linearly width of the pulse wave, filter,
- MCS-96单片机要用PWM产生锯齿波,应使PWM寄存器中的值线性增加,那么在PWM输出端将得到宽度线性增加的脉冲波,经滤波后,便可得到锯齿波。-MCS-96 microcontroller with PWM have Sawtooth, PWM register should be the value of linear increase, then the PWM output will be increased linearly
- This paper introduces an affine invariant of trapezia, and the explicit constraint equation between the intrinsic matrix of a camera and the similarity invariants of a trapezium are established using the affine invariant
- A one-dimensional calibration object consists of three or more collinear points with known relative positions. It is generally believed that a camera can be calibrated only when a 1D calibration object is in planar mot
- An optimal neuron evolution algorithm for the restoration of linearly distorted images is presented in this paper. The proposed algorithm is motivated by the symmetric positive-definite quadratic programming struct
- 确定投影方向使得降维以后,样本不但线性可分,而且可分性更好-Determine the projection direction makes dimensionality reduction, sample not only linearly separable, and a better separability
- 用PWM产生锯齿波,应使PWM寄存器中的值线性增加,那么在PWM输出端将得到宽度线性增加的脉冲波,经滤波后,便可得到锯齿波。-have used PWM ramp, it should PWM register with the value of linear increase, then the PWM output will be increased linearly width of the pulse wave, filter,
- MCS-96单片机要用PWM产生锯齿波,应使PWM寄存器中的值线性增加,那么在PWM输出端将得到宽度线性增加的脉冲波,经滤波后,便可得到锯齿波。-MCS-96 microcontroller with PWM have Sawtooth, PWM register should be the value of linear increase, then the PWM output will be increased linearly
- This paper introduces an affine invariant of trapezia, and the explicit constraint equation between the intrinsic matrix of a camera and the similarity invariants of a trapezium are established using the affine invariant
- A one-dimensional calibration object consists of three or more collinear points with known relative positions. It is generally believed that a camera can be calibrated only when a 1D calibration object is in planar mot
- An optimal neuron evolution algorithm for the restoration of linearly distorted images is presented in this paper. The proposed algorithm is motivated by the symmetric positive-definite quadratic programming struct
- 用MATLAB编写的支持向量机,实现了线性可分与线性不可分的情况,还有非线性支持向量机,里面部分常用的核函数。-Prepared using MATLAB support vector machine, to achieve a linearly separable and linear indivisible, it is still non-linear support vector machine, which part of t
- 用于无约束优化的鲍威尔优化方法, 程序中参数解释如下://P:存放设计变量 //XI:存放两个线性无关的向量 //N:含有N各元素的一维实型数组,用于存储设计变量 //NP:整形变量,用于存储P与xi的维数 //FTOL:迭代精度 //FRET:输出参数,存放目标函数在找到的近似极小值点处的值 //ITER:迭代次数-For unconstrained optimization of the Powell o
- 对给出的灰度图像手动实现输出其直方图的函数,然后对图像进行线性变化,最后手动实现直方图均衡化-On the given gray image manually to achieve a function of the output of its histogram, and then the image changes linearly, and finally manually histogram equalization
- 行搜索算法用于在一个矩阵中从上到下寻找线性无关的行。给出了行搜索算法的说明,最后给出源程序!-Line search algorithm used in a matrix from top to bottom to find linearly independent rows. Line search algorithm is given the note, and finally given the source code!
- 核函数是利用支持向量机解决不可分问题时引入的一种非线性变换的手段。基本思想是通过非线性变换,使样本变换之后的特征空间中变得线性可分。然后利用线性可分时构造最优超平面的方法,在特征空间中实现最优超平面的求解。-Kernel function is the use of support vector machine to resolve the issue can not be separated from the introduction
- list of matlab m-files on matlab 7.0. learning , support vector machine and some utility routines : autocorrelation, linearly scale randomize the row order of a matrix
- 这是一个LCMV(线性约束最小方差)波束形成的程序-This is a LCMV (linearly constrained minimum variance) procedures beamforming
- Performs hierarchical clustering of data using specified method and seraches for optimal cutoff empoying VIF criterion suggested in "Okada Y. et al - Detection of Cluster Boundary in Microarray Data by Reference to MI
- A primal-dual interior method for solving linearly constrained optimization problems with a convex objective function