- 李开复博士写给中国学生的信,一共有四封,看看成功人士的建议,挺不错的-Dr Kai-fu Lee a letter addressed to Chinese students, a total of four to see the success of the suggestions of the very good
- 一个可以记录离开的脚本。 本脚本为SAMP脚本。 说明:将likai.pwm、likai.amx放到filescr ipt文件夹,再添加server.cfg即可。-A scr ipt recording leave. The scr ipt scr ipt SAMP. Descr iption: likai.pwm, likai.amx into the filescr ipt file folder, and then
- 一个可以记录离开的脚本。本脚本为SAMP脚本。说明:将likai.pwm、likai.amx放到filescr ipt文件夹,再添加server.cfg即可。-A scr ipt recording leave.The scr ipt scr ipt SAMP.Descr iption: likai.pwm, likai.amx into the filescr ipt file folder, and then add the ser
- 织物疵点检测,输入一副织物图片,先除去图片上的噪声,在经过形态学操作,检测出织物上的疵点-Fabric defect detection, enter a pair of fabric pictures, first remove the noise the picture, after morphological operations, detect defects on the fabric
- 输入一副彩色图像,先转换为灰度图像,在分别求彩色图像各通道能量和灰度能量-Enter a color image is first converted to grayscale images, color images are required for each channel energy and gray energy
- 将一幅图像分割成若干块,并且在分割的边界处用红色的线标出-The image is divided into a number of pieces, and divided at the boundary marked with a red line
- 24点扑克游戏,模拟真人游戏24点,随机出4张牌,如果不能经过加减乘除算得24点,则重新发牌,若可以,则显示所有可能的运算方法-24 Poker Game,Simulate real game of 24 points, random out four cards, if you can not be considered after a 24-point arithmetic, then re-licensing, if you
- 数学建模问题,根据已有的数据建立模型,来预测后面的数据-Mathematical modeling, based on the existing data model to predict the following data
公司生产制造中心外来来访人员会客单 - 副本
- 门卫访客登记模板,顺序,来访-登记-访问-登记-离开(menwei fangke dengji mub, shunxu, laif-dengji-fangwen-dengji-likai)