- 测试内阻程序 操作者框架 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。(Internal resistance test program)
LabVIEW 面向对象设计
- 了解LabVIEW面向对象不错的资料。LabVIEW中内置了操作者框架,来作为实现面向对象的工具。(Understanding LabVIEW object oriented good information. The operator fr a mework is built in LabVIEW as an object oriented tool.)
- 操作者框架本质上与队列驱动状态机(QDSM),用队列来传递消息,但是实现过程用面向对象的方式进行了封装。(Essentially, the operator fr a mework and the queue driven state machine (QDSM) use the queue to deliver messages, but the implementation process is encapsulated in an
Serial Communication 14
- 利用labview操作者框架写的模拟串口通信,非常不错。(The analog serial communication written by the labview operator fr a mework is very good.)
- 利用操作者框架编写的程序,非常利于新手了解操作者框架(Programs written using the operator fr a mework are very useful for novices to understand the operator fr a mework)