- Recently I rewatched Joanna s HITB presentation video and I noticed she said that a rootkit leveraging a single byte modification is impossible! Well I think that was a little bold to say and in my opinion it doesn t
- bpmpd是用fortran77语言编写的一个state-of-the-art求解大规模线性规划程序,使用不可行原-对偶内点法(infeasible primal-dual interior point method)求解
- Recently I rewatched Joanna s HITB presentation video and I noticed she said that a rootkit leveraging a single byte modification is impossible! Well I think that was a little bold to say and in my opinion it doesn t
- bpmpd是用fortran77语言编写的一个state-of-the-art求解大规模线性规划程序,使用不可行原-对偶内点法(infeasible primal-dual interior point method)求解-bpmpd is a FORTRAN77 language state-of-the-art for solving large-scale linear programming procedure, the ori
- 配电网规划必须满足辐射性和连通性,配电网扩展规划问题随机产生的初始群体中往往存在大量不可行解,采用根节点融合法可确保方案的可行性。-Distribution network planning must meet radiation and connectivity, distribution network expansion planning problem with randomly generated initial popula
- It has been proved that network coding can be used to improve the throughput for multicast t ransmission , but such systems are very vulnerable to contamination at tack , and the signatures for t raditional network ar
- It has been proved that network coding can be used to improve the throughput for multicast t ransmission , but such systems are very vulnerable to contamination at tack , and the signatures for t raditional network ar
- 一个基于阈值的粒子比较准则,用于处理多目标约束优化问题,该准则可以保留一部分序值较小且约束违反度在允许范围内的不可行解微粒,从而达到由不可行解向可行解进化的目的;一个新的拥挤度函数,使得位于稀疏区域和Pareto前沿边界附近的点有较大的拥挤度函数值,从而被选择上的概率也较大 从而构成解决多目标约束优化问题的混合粒子群算法。-A comparison based on the threshold criteria for the part
- 基于LANDMARC的定位系统上进行的算法复杂度的减小的优化,包括了具体的优化后系统的实现,误差前后对比,改文章还提出了一种adaptive的定位算法,更利于外部变化环境下-In wireless networks, a client’s locations can be estimated using signal strength received from signal transmitters. Static fingerp
- 这是一篇博士论文,中国知网上的,现在拿出来和大家分享-The Research Of Infeasible Interior Point Algorithms For Optimization
- 二阶锥规划的非精确不可行内点法Second-order cone programming of non-precise infeasible interior point method-Second-order cone programming of non-precise infeasible interior point method
- RSA公开密钥密码体制。所谓的公开密钥密码体制就是使用不同的加密密钥与解密密钥,是一种“由已知加密密钥推导出解密密钥在计算上是不可行的”密码体制。-RSA public key cryptosystem. The so-called public-key cryptography is to use a different encryption key and decryption key, is a known encryption
- 提出了一种双域模型人工鱼群算法。算法采用前驱节点指向的编码方法形成多播树表示人工鱼,将搜索 空间分为可行域和非可行域。分别赋予可行域和非可行域的人工鱼不同的游动目标,设计行为算子自适应地执行 4 种人工鱼行为。数值实验结果表明,提出的算法可以有效利用非可行个体,具有较好的求解时延约束最小代价 多播树的性能。-An artificial fish swarm algorithm with two regions model w
- A rainbow table is a precomputed table for reversing cryptographic hash functions, usually for cracking password hashes. Tables are usually used in recovering the plaintext password, up to a certain length consisting of
- 算法设计与分析中的任务分配问题。 用回溯法解该问题时,用完全n叉树表示解空间。可行性条件select 剪去不满足行、列约束的子树。递归方法 backtrack(1)实现对整个解空间的回溯搜索;backtrack(i)搜索解空间中的第i层子树,sum记录当前已找到的可行方案 数。在算法backtrack中,当i>n时,算法搜索至叶子结点,当前已找到的可行方案数sum加1;当i<=n时,当前扩展结点 Z是解
- 粒子群优化工具箱,采用Matlab编写的PSO程序工具箱-Development Notes for psopt toolbox Future plans (in no particular order): * Performance improvement: Automatically check for existence of constraints, skip boundary-checking if uncons
- 配电网拓扑不可行解判断-Distribution network topology infeasible computing!!!!!!!!!!!
- The algorithm takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produces as output a 128-bit fingerprint or message digest of the input.It is conjectured that it is computationally infeasible to produce two messages havin
- Cryptographic Hash Functions: A cryptographic hash function must have at least two security properties: collision free and Hiding. Collision free property ensures that for a given function H, no one can find x and y
- Optimal FSO Relay Nodes Placement