- 法国电信采用的G723A语音编解码算法,支持双速率,标准C代码,原用于DSP,稍加移置可适用于多种平台。- The french telecommunication uses the G723A pronunciation arranges the decoding algorithm, supports the double speed, the standard C code, originally uses in DSP, s
209_introduce of SST MCU
- SST单片机的几大独特用法和优势,例如:用户程序空间可达72K,数据存储可超64K,程序和数据的存储空间互补利用,没用到程序的存储地方可以用来存储数据.-SST SCM several major french and unique advantages, such as : user program up to 72 KB of space, data can be stored-64K, procedures and data st
- 法国数学家梅齐亚克在他著名的《数字组合游戏》(1962)中 提出了一个问题:一位商人有一个重40磅的砝码,一天不小心将 砝码摔成了四块。后来商人称得每块的重量都是整磅数,而且发 现这四块碎片可以在天平上称1至40磅之间的任意重量。请问这 四块碎片各重多少?-Meijieke french mathematician in the famous "number combinations G
- 法国著名数学家波瓦松在表年时代研究过一个有趣的数学问 题:某人有12品脱的啤酒一瓶,想从中倒出6品脱,但他没有6品 脱的容器,仅有一个8品脱和5品脱的容器,怎样倒才能将啤酒分 为两个6品脱呢?-famous french mathematician Beiwasong times in the table, examined an interesting mathematical problem : a p
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- 可以在不触碰程序的情况下,只需修改语言包即可修改成诸如英文论坛,日文论坛,韩文论坛,法文论坛等世界性语言的论坛精简版本,在程序中不出现用以显示的文字,采用UTF-8编码,自带简体中文和繁体中文2款语言,自带3款个性化皮肤,自带一个会员系统,理论上也可以与任何一款会员系统无缝隙结合-can not touch in the process, only a modification package to amend the language
- vc 源代码Do you speak English I had an amusing experience. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me, I stopped and he asked me for a lift. A
- 编译作业,此法语法分析,并且模拟堆栈机,可以带if,while-compiler operations, the french and France analysis, and simulation stack machine, can take if, while
- 这用java语言模拟一个银行的操作系统,main-class:run 图形界面模式:加参数-graphic 文字模式:加参数-text Client.txt存放客户信息 Compte.txt存放账户信息 Operation.txt账号使用信息 这个版本是法语版的-this java language simulation with a bank of the operating system, main-clas
- Full-Text Search for Your Intranet or Website DotLucene is a .NET port of Jakarta Lucene search engine maintained by George Aroush et al. Here is a quick list of its features: It can be used in ASP.NET, Win Forms
- Some nice notes for french language
- contains MATLAB scr ipts and data that were used in the webinar "Using MATLAB to Develop Asset-Pricing Models." The slides from the webinar are also included. The scr ipts examine the Fama & french model for a number of
- SQL SERVER 2008 Documentation in french
- 经典最优化方法最优化方法是一门古老而又年青的学科。这门学科的源头可以追溯到17世纪法国数学家拉格朗日关于一个函数在一组等式约束条件下的极值问题(求解多元函数极值的Lagrange乘数法)。-Classical optimization methods optimization method is an old and young subjects. The source of this discipline can be traced
- Developping in Java- french tutorial
- Introduction to C++ builder - french
- 法语版四子棋,7*6格式,上下或者对角线有四个棋子相连即为胜利。分为双人对战,人机对战,机机对战三种模式,使用剪枝算法。-60/5000 french version of the four-board, 7* 6 format, up and down or diagonal four pieces connected to the victory. Divided into two pairs of war, man-machi
Fama-french 3 Factor-Model.sas
- FF three factor model sas
fama-french three factors
- 利用中国A股数据实现Fama-french三因子模型,stata代码(Using Chinese A-share data to realize Fama french three factor model, Stata code)
- python对fama3因子模型选股的试验(Fama-french 3-factor model by python)
- 复现 Fama french 1992 Table 1 结果(replicate Fama french 1992 Table 1 result)