- C This computer program was copied from the graduate student course C program of the University of Minnesota. Part of it was re-formu- C lated to meet the microcomputer environment. Some inappropriate C expressions were
- 数值分析中用于求近似值的算法、二分法解方程、变步长梯形求积分的算法。是在Linux下用C++实现的。用G++编译。 配合华中科大的那本著名的“数值分析”。李庆扬编著。 用来交作业很好。 在本压缩包里面包含的是: HalfDevision.d 二分法解方程 LagrgIn.d 拉格朗日差值公式-求近似值 NewtonFwIn.d 牛顿前插公式-求近似值 NewtonItera.d 牛顿迭代法-
- Navier_Stokes-This computer program was copied from the graduate student course C program of the University of Minnesota. Part of it was re-formu- C lated to meet the microcomputer environment. Some inappropriate
- thi is a program to know the form of the earth
- C Sharp ( C# ) formu fare ile ekran üzerinde hareket ettirme, baş lı ğ ı olmayan formu ekran üzerinde hareket ettirme, c sharp formu fare ile hareket ettirme uygulama ö rnekleri.-C Sharp ( C# ) formu
- 根据离散系统的输入输出方程求系统的单位抽样响应-According to the input and output equation of discrete system for unit sample response of the system