- 通过gid32.dll和user32.dll提供的位移OffsetRect、填充FillRect等函数,实现文字的滚动显示。-through gid32.dll user32.dll and the displacement OffsetRect, filling FillRect other functions, to achieve the rolling text display.
- 双缓冲即在内存中创建一个与屏幕绘图区域一致的对象,先将图形绘制到内存中的这个对象上,再一次性将这个对象上的图形拷贝到屏幕上,这样能大大加快绘图的速度。双缓冲实现过程如下: 1、在内存中创建与画布一致的缓冲区 BufferBmp=new Graphics::TBitmap() BufferBmp->Canvas->Handle=CreateCompatibleDC(Canvas->Hand
- // CDC::FillSolidRect is faster, but it does not handle 8-bit color depth VERIFY(brush.CreateSolidBrush( RGB(r+rStep*iOnBand, g + gStep*iOnBand, b + bStep * iOnBand))) pDC->FillRect(&rectFill,&b
- 一个在单文档引用程序中的绘图算法,提供了最基本的思路-a document cited in a single procedure for the drawing algorithm, provide the most basic ideas
实例11 调色程序
- 通过调色程序可以很方便的找到合适的颜色 用CDC类的SetTextColor()函数和FillRect()函数改变文本框的字体颜色和背景颜色-through palette procedures can easily find the appropriate color with the CDC category SetTextColor () function and FillRect () function to change th
- 一个在单文档引用程序中的绘图算法,提供了最基本的思路-a document cited in a single procedure for the drawing algorithm, provide the most basic ideas
实例11 调色程序
- 通过调色程序可以很方便的找到合适的颜色 用CDC类的SetTextColor()函数和FillRect()函数改变文本框的字体颜色和背景颜色-through palette procedures can easily find the appropriate color with the CDC category SetTextColor () function and FillRect () function to change th
- 通过gid32.dll和user32.dll提供的位移OffsetRect、填充FillRect等函数,实现文字的滚动显示。-through gid32.dll user32.dll and the displacement OffsetRect, filling FillRect other functions, to achieve the rolling text display.
- WEB的视频ACTIVE控件编写,中间有JAVA脚本语言的套用ACTIVE控件的演示-WEB video ACTIVE control preparation, have JAVA scr ipting language between the applied control demo ACTIVE
- // CDC::FillSolidRect is faster, but it does not handle 8-bit color depth VERIFY(brush.CreateSolidBrush( RGB(r+rStep*iOnBand, g + gStep*iOnBand, b + bStep * iOnBand))) pDC->FillRect(&rectFill,&b
- 车牌识别程序,准确定位车牌,真正实现了车牌识别的程序 -CDocument CString CFile CFileDialog CFileFind FindNextFile CScrollView CDC CPen CSize CBitmap CBrush CRect GetClientRect LoadBitmap CreatePatternBrush SelectObject FillRect DeleteObject GetO
- Working with Canvas using RGBToColor function. Change color, FillRect functions, effect is like progressbar. Two implementations, for and while loops.
- This example shows that how to use the Canvas Class in a Form. In this example we take two field in which integer number passed from the form and result will display on a Canvas circle. The Following methods are us
- 一套完整的某公司的石油钻井设计软件 源代码公布, 可供VC学习之用-A complete set of a company-CPen CString CBrush CWnd CDialog LoadResource CDataExchange CDC CRect GetClientRect SetBkMode CPalette CClientDC SelectPalette RealizePalette IsChild CStdioFi
- 游戏开发的知识和应用,帮助初学者增长知识,关于游戏编程方面的-Knowledge and application of game development to help beginners to increase their knowledge, aspects of game programming
- Button-tansparent: LoadImage CPoint CWnd CButton GetActiveWindow GetCapture SetFocus SetCapture CRect GetClientRect PtInRect ReleaseCapture CDC CPen CBrush fr a meRect FillRect GetSysColor SelectObject LineTo DrawFocus
- How to use skin control: LoadImage CPoint CWnd CButton GetActiveWindow GetCapture SetFocus SetCapture CRect GetClientRect PtInRect ReleaseCapture CDC CPen CBrush fr a meRect FillRect GetSysColor SelectObject LineTo Dra
- 利用Java语言中的库方法fillRect和drawRect画两个长方形。-Method used in the Java language libraries fillRect and drawRect draw two rectangles.
- nvc0 fbcon fillrect for Linux v2.13.6.
- Generic fillrect for fr a me buffers with packed pixels of any depth.