- (C)-费尔个人防火墙2.0_源代码全-5星-(C) - Fil personal firewall source code-2.0_ -5 -
- 从BMP文件中装入位图并显示 the bmp file has four sections. the first is bitmapfileheader. this contains the bitmap file signature, the size of the bitmap and the offset to the array of bits that define the bitmap image. the next s
65.费尔防火墙 1.0源码
- 费尔防火墙源程序,下载后,先解压缩,然后运行程序,可以使用的,效果不错-Fil firewall source, download, decompress first, and then run a program can use, good results
- 这是网络版的Rip版,版本号为2.1,基于费尔的Ndis Hook技术. 相比正式版,除了去掉了无关紧要的注册和升级,其余一字未改. 目录列表: TGuard 应用程序目录 TGuard_sys For 2k的驱动程序 Release 存放应用程序 Def 应用程序和驱动共用的一个定义文件 Tools 工具 从Ndis Hook技术改为基于DDK带的passthru.-T
- 费尔防火墙源码,对防火墙感兴趣的可以参考!-Fil-source firewall, the firewall can refer interested!
- 费尔防火墙源代码.费尔个人防火墙 2.1 源程序包括 XFILTER.EXE, XFILTER.DLL, XPACKET.VXD ( 限于95/98/ME版 ) , XAPCKET.SYS ( 限于 2000/XP 版 )的源程序。此代码包中没有包含编译后的程序,要获得这些程序可以通过下载安装包得到。安装包是免费的,使用 ZIP 兼容的压缩方式,用 ZIP 工具解压。(请尊重代码作者的劳动,只供学习,勿用于商业用途。站长留)-Fil f
- he FormHelp component adds the context-sensitive help features to your Delphi/BCB forms without any bulky help files. It traps the context-sensitive help calls and creates its own popup windows from a control s hin
- open and create one wav write handle, write out wav file header to file. update wav file header fields. close wav write handle.-open and create one wav write handle, write out wav file header to file. wav fil upda
- Drag and Drop with java. Can display JPG file. -Drag and Drop with java. Can display JPG fil e.
- SNMP++ For Win32 Source Code 2.8: =================================================== The following directories and files include the source code for building SNMP++ for MS-Windows 32 bit platforms including NT and
- EXAMPLE SOURCE CODE FOR TASM FILTER his filter accepts input through the standard input stream, converts it and outputs it to the standard output stream. The streams are linked through pipes, such that the input stre
- 一个可以切割遥感图片的程序代码。需安装FWTools获得GDSL库支持 命令格式为dstile.exe tile lztsd ×× --wwcache --overviews oout_putfile file_source(图片来源)-a remote sensing images can be cut to the program code. FWTools need to be installed to support the
- 图像中值滤波,利用中值滤波和低通滤波进行比较,分析PSNR,得出性能差别-image filtering, using median filter and a low-pass filter, PSNR analysis, the performance differences come
- The purpose of this paper is to provide a practical introduction to the discrete Kalman filter. This introduction includes a descr iption and some discussion of the basic discrete Kalman filter, a derivation, descr i
- 半带滤波器代码实现,直接是实例讲解,很不错的,欢迎下载
- 一个用matlab写的对图象处理方面的函数,希望对新手有帮助
- 一个网关过滤系统,网络版的Rip版,版本号为2.1,基于费尔的Ndis Hook技术.-a gateway filtering system, network version of Rip version, version 2.1, based on the Fil Ndis Hook technology.
- 费尔防火墙源代码,现在该代码所有公司已经开始收费;原先是公司内部交流拿来研究用的。-Fil firewall source code, the code is now all the companies have begun charging; Originally used to house the exchange of research.
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