- demodulates the FM modulated signal Y at the carrier frequency Fc (Hz). Y and Fc have sample frequency Fs (Hz). FREQDEV is the frequency deviation (Hz) of the modulated signal.
- M-file uses random data which BPSK modulates a carrier to configure a BPSK UWB transmitter. The receiver demodulates the BPSK UWB carrier and the data is recovered
- M-file uses random data which BPSK modulates a carrier to configure a BPSK UWB transmitter. The receiver demodulates the BPSK UWB carrier and the data is recovered.
- M-file uses random data which BPSK modulates a carrier to configure a BPSK UWB transmitter. The receiver demodulates the BPSK UWB carrier and the data is recovered.
- demodulates the FM modulated signal Y at the carrier frequency Fc (Hz). Y and Fc have sample frequency Fs (Hz). FREQDEV is the frequency deviation (Hz) of the modulated signal.
- M-file uses random data which BPSK modulates a carrier to configure a BPSK UWB transmitter. The receiver demodulates the BPSK UWB carrier and the data is recovered
- M-file uses random data which BPSK modulates a carrier to configure a BPSK UWB transmitter. The receiver demodulates the BPSK UWB carrier and the data is recovered. -M-file uses random data which BPSK modulates a carrier
- M-file uses random data which BPSK modulates a carrier to configure a BPSK UWB transmitter. The receiver demodulates the BPSK UWB carrier and the data is recovered. -M-file uses random data which BPSK modulates a carrier
- GNU_Radio GNU radio is a free/open-source software toolkit for and the content is controlled by a handful of organizations. Cell building software radios, in which software defines the phones are a great convenience
- Modulates and demodulates in QPSK using a Lyrtech platform
- 本仿真程序对一串二进制信息进行QPSK调制,并画出其波形图和功率谱,在某种无线AWGN信道上进行传输,然后并在接收端进行解调,最后画出其误符号性能曲线-The simulation program for a string of binary information in QPSK modulation, and draw the waveforms and power spectrum, in some wireless AWGN c
- 什么是信号调制?在测控系统中为什么要采用信号调制?什么是解调?在测控系统中常用的调制方法有哪几种? -Coherent detection of fsk Fsk modulation is characterized by the information being contained in the frequency of the carrier. What is the signal modulation? Has to u
- UWB Receiver/Transmitter Using Continuous Wave-M-file uses random data which BPSK modulates a carrier to configure a BPSK UWB transmitter. The receiver demodulates the BPSK UWB carrier and the data is recovered.
- 对数字信号进行二进制幅度调制,加载高斯噪声,然后在信号进行解调,比较解调后的信号与原始信号-Binary amplitude modulation, the digital signal to load the Gaussian noise, and then demodulates the signal, the comparison demodulation signal with the original signal
- 对存在调制现象的信号进行解调,可分析出淹没在噪声中的特征信号-Signal modulation phenomenon exists demodulates drowned in the noise of the characteristic signals can be analyzed
- 读入一段mp3音乐,将音乐进行FM调制,在噪声信道中传输,接收端解调音乐-Reads period mp3 music, music to FM modulation, the transmission in a noisy channel, the receiving terminal demodulates the music
- 本源码主要对发送数据进行2psk调制,然后加载波发送出去,经过信道,在接收端对接收到的数据进行解调-The main source of transmission data 2psk modulated then add carrier sent, via the channel, the data received at the receiving end demodulates
- 4FSK调制解调的matlab代码。采用相干解调的方式4FSK进行解调,与大多数方案的包络检波不同。基带信号用四种电平来表示,与调制信号相区分。-Demodulation matlab code 4FSK modulation. Coherent demodulation 4FSK demodulates Unlike most programs envelope detector,. The baseband signal is re
- 本论文主要利用MATLAB实现一个简单无线通信系统的仿真,并通过误码率分析系统性能。在文本文件中输入任意字符串(空格或英文字母)作为该通信系 统的信源,经过信源编码、信道编码及信号调制进入信道,信道采用的是瑞利衰落信道,而后对接收到的信号进行解调,完成信道解码、信源解码后,将结果输出到解码文件即信宿中。 -In this thesis, a simple wireless communication system simulat
- 首先根据短训练字的特性进行相关运算,进行信号到达检测,当检测到相关值大于门限一定次数后,认为有信号到达。然后根据长训练字的特性,进行相关运算,进行OFDM符号FFT窗口起始位置的估计。估计出FFT窗口的位置后,先在时域进行小频偏的估计,将两个长训练字进行小频偏补偿后,进行FFT运算,根据FFT运算的结果进行整数倍频偏的估计。这些参数估计完成后,就可以进行数据解调了。先对数据部分进行完整的频偏补偿,然后根据估计的FFT窗口位置进行FFT运