- 图像处理的关于Snakes : Active Contour Models算法和水平集以及GVF的几篇文章,文章列表为: [1]Snakes Active Contour Models.pdf [2]Multiscale Active Contours.pdf [3]Snakes, shapes, and gradient vector flow.pdf [4]Motion of level sets by mean c
- C++ code to find point correspondences by matching color distributions computed with spatially oriented kernels and optical flow registration. The theory is described in Point Matching Under Large Image Deformations and
- This package contains a set of tools that allows to deform in real-time points and images using the Moving Least Squares algorithms. This is a fast technique to get good image deformations without using the computational
- 图像处理的关于Snakes : Active Contour Models算法和水平集以及GVF的几篇文章,文章列表为: [1]Snakes Active Contour Models.pdf [2]Multiscale Active Contours.pdf [3]Snakes, shapes, and gradient vector flow.pdf [4]Motion of level sets by mean c
- C++ code to find point correspondences by matching color distributions computed with spatially oriented kernels and optical flow registration. The theory is described in Point Matching Under Large Image Deformations and
- abaqus 二次开发子程序之塑性大变形代码-UMAT for plane strain and axial symmetry for elastic, linear strain hardening plastic behaviour using explicit integration with continuum Jacobian, using ABAQUS stress and strain quantities.
- 这篇论文介绍了一种有效的3D笔刷模型,模仿中国毛笔的写字方式,能够运用于各种程序。-This paper presents a novel 3D brush model consisting of a skeleton and a surface, which is deformed through constrained energy minimization. The main advantage of our model over
- Code written by Namrata Vaswani. A small part of the code (a little bit of the level set part) is taken from code written by Yogesh Rathi Please cite Namrata Vaswani, Yogesh Rathi, Anthony Yezzi, Allen Tannenbaum, PF
- 用matlab写的一个模仿抛物线动作的动画。可以自己设定加速度、启示位置等数值。-The laws for rotation are probably wrong (I made them up actually), but that s not what this file is about. Shown here is a very simple code that creates a nice animation, which c
- 这个java程序实现了一种二值图像配准算法,该算法可参考下面这篇论文,这个程序需要安装Apache Ant-This is the sample implementation of the binary image registration algorithm described in Csaba Domokos and Zoltan Kato.
- This C++ codes are developed by Shin Yoshizawa at the MPII, Saarbruecken, Germany. The method is described in my paper "Free-form Skeleton-driven Mesh Deformations", Shin Yoshizawa, Alexander G. Belyaev, and Hans-Peter S
- 基于模型的三维骨架抽取,希望对大家有用!-Example-Based Skeleton Extraction.It present a method for extracting a hierarchical, rigid skeleton from a set of example poses. It then use this skeleton to not only reproduce the example poses, b
- 通俗点讲这是个专门为flash3d量身定做的 使三维物体产生扭曲和形变的类库 首先AS3Dmod其中有个团队成员叫MAKC,他参与了一些开源项目,最显著的是Sandy3D 其次AS3Dmod支持跨引擎平台,目前AS3Dmod 支持Papervision3d, Away3d, Sandy3d 和 Alternativa3d 多种3D 引擎。 有了它,能让你的3D表现力更富有了。给3D世界加入扭曲,波动,产生扭动动画。 一
- Abstract. We present a novel 3D face recognition approach based on geometric invariants introduced by Elad and Kimmel. The key idea of the proposed algorithm is a representation of the facial surface, invari- ant t
- Abstract—Recently, a 3D face recognition approach based on geometric invariant signatures, has been proposed. The key idea of the algorithm is a representation of the facial surface, invariant to isometric defo
- UMAT for plane strain and axial symmetry for elastic, linear strain hardening plastic behaviour using explicit integration with continuum Jacobian, using ABAQUS stress and strain quantities. Suitable for large deformatio
- a novel algorithm for fast tracking of generic objects in videos. The algorithm uses two components: a detector that makes use of the generalised Hough transform with pixel-based descr iptors, and a probabilistic segment
- Active Contour Models and Level Set algorithm, as well as several articles of the GVF, the list for the article: [1] Snakes Active Contour Models.pdf [2] Multiscale Active Contours.pdf [3] Snakes, shapes, and gradient ve
- deformation seismology engineering
- ASIFT算法就是为了解决SIFT、ORB、SURF等特征描述算子倾斜匹配的问题。上面的这些算法可以很好的应对尺度、旋转情况下的匹配,但是对于倾斜影像的特征点匹配只能提取很少量的特征,所以作者提出ASIFT来解决这个问题。(If a physical object has a smooth or piecewise smooth boundary, its images obtained by cameras in varying po