- Engine Introduction Many people have asked me for the DirectX demo C++ source code, so here it is. The Demo fr a mework I ve build for creating the demos consist of the following components: * Kernel system, with
- 结合MFC和OPENGL,利用MFC的用户友好性和可操作性,OPENGL作为图形引擎,做最好的三维软件-With MFC and OPENGL, use of MFC user-friendliness and operability, OPENGL as graphics engine, do the best 3D software
- 实现了一个3D游戏编程的框架,程序成功运行之后会看到球体和立方体发生碰撞之后分离,主要采用ODE(Open Dynamics Engine)处理碰撞。-Implements a 3D game programming fr a mework, the program will see the successful operation of the sphere and the cube after a collision after s
- osg cube mmap。 used to create 3d scene in osg engine.-used to create 3d scene in osg engine.
- 一个D3d的游戏引擎,碰撞,粒子等都齐全。例子是摇立方,转载的-D3d a game engine, collision, particles and so complete. Examples are shaking cube, reproduced
- 微擎+微赞+微信魔方通用 微取号&扫码取号 2.0 解密开源版-Micro micro engine++ WeChat universal micro cube like take a number & take a number 2 scan code decryption source version
美丽微砍价 mon_xkwkj 2.2.0
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- Cube game engine. An FPS engine with a game included