- GPS坐标转换程序。由笛卡尔坐标和大地坐标的相互转换,由笛卡尔坐标转换为站心地平坐标,由站心地平直角坐标转换为站心地平极坐标-GPS coordinates of the conversion process. By the Cartesian coordinates and geodetic coordinates of each conversion, the conversion from Cartesian coordinate
- This program, given the co-ordinates of two cameras and planes, Clearly plots them in matlab interface. Very useful tool for Computer vision core developers.
- Crops the Image from a draggable rectangle & returns the Cropped Image and its co-ordinates I is the Image to be cropped assumed to be in the matlab workspace -Crops the Image from a draggable rectangle
- T-algo. It finds the total length of an objects sides. First you enter the number of corners. then u enter the co-ordinates for the corners and the program then generates the lengths with the good old equation SQRT(
- Digital Image Processing is a wide area encompassing processes whose inputs and outputs are digital images or some attributes extracted from the images.A digital image is a function that has been discretised both in spat
- In this example the CoordinatesCanvas class extends the Canvas class to draw the image and fill color as given below in the figure. The following methods is used to draw the image
- Demonstrates how to add an image to a worksheet and set that image s size to a specific number of milimetres irrespective of the width of the columns or height of the rows. Overridden methods are provided so that the
- This zip file interfaces a GPS module with the AVR ATMega64. The main.c file contains the algorithm to sort out the data from PMTK format to GPS co-ordinates
- Sample code for detecting Harris corners Input: im ... grayscale image topn ... how many features to detect Ouput: x,y ... feature co-ordinates, strength==Harris corner strength-Sample code for detecting Harr
- I have implemented co-ordinates point program, which have 1d, 2d and 3d and also polar co-ordinates
- * Class using the ACM/JTF Java graphical program that will display a projection of a 3D cube. * When the mouse is moved, the cube will move in the mouse s direction.The X and Y co-ordinates of the cube will be dis
- 自己寫的畫圓程序,很容易了解,提供給大家參考-Write C program to draw a circle using c graphics. In this program we use the graphics.h library function to draw a circle. To use graphics.h, we have to install the drivers in to the the system
- IT Return the Co-ordinates of the two pixels moment of binary image is calculated
- lpt- log polar transform is the representation of x,y co-ordinates into the log of polar co-ordinates.
- Read the touch co-ordinates using i2c read block into buffer and returns integer.
- Source localization program for adaptive beamforming in a microphones. The source location has to be given in x,y co-ordinates. The beam will be formed based on these co-ordinates and a polar plot is obtained. An array o
- The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for anfis for 2 dof robot. in this program i am first creating a training data set by applying the angular values to the 2 dof DK model and t
new scan converting scheme and advanced graphics
- A new scan conversion scheme and memory. This may cause conflicts and reduce the video memory architecture with advanced system performance. graphics for raster scan radar display are proposed in this paper. By tak