- Creates a Gaussian mixture model with specified architecture.MIX = GMM(DIM, NCENTRES, COVARTYPE) takes the dimension of the space DIM, the number of centres in the mixture model and the type of the mixture model, and
- KMEANS Trains a k means cluster model.CENTRES = KMEANS(CENTRES, DATA, OPTIONS) uses the batch K-means algorithm to set the centres of a cluster model. The matrix DATA represents the data which is being clustered, wit
- Camera s calibration common object is grids. Deal with the grids ,pop method was corner-detect. But when the picture is distort strongly,it will useless. So,I try to take the centres of the grids to act as the tarket sym
- 模式识别算法 k均值和感知器算法的具体实现实例-Pattern recognition algorithm for k-means algorithm and the perceptron realize specific examples
- Creates a Gaussian mixture model with specified architecture.MIX = GMM(DIM, NCENTRES, COVARTYPE) takes the dimension of the space DIM, the number of centres in the mixture model and the type of the mixture model, and
- KMEANS Trains a k means cluster model.CENTRES = KMEANS(CENTRES, DATA, OPTIONS) uses the batch K-means algorithm to set the centres of a cluster model. The matrix DATA represents the data which is being clustered, wit
- 这是K均值算法,采用c语言编写,K的取值为2,大家可以改变K的值来进行测试-This is the K-means algorithm, using c language, K value of 2, we can change the value of K for testing
- Camera s calibration common object is grids. Deal with the grids ,pop method was corner-detect. But when the picture is distort strongly,it will useless. So,I try to take the centres of the grids to act as the tarket sym
- Wireless networking, The guide is for learning practitioners, and their support staff, who are considering the installation of a new wireless network or want to understand the implications in extending an existing ne
- 用于实现求取图像中几个区域的质心,并画在图像中!初学者可以看看!-To find the centres of the objects and show them in the picture!
- this function use clustering to find out the RBF network centres
- Developing an Isolated Word Recognition System in MATLAB. Speech-recognition technology is embedded in voice-activated routing systems at customer call centres, voice dialling on mobile phones, and many other eve
- 利用欧氏距离计算三维模型的中轴,希望对大家有用!-Medial Axis (MA), also known as Centres of Maximal Disks, is a useful representation of a shape for image descr iption and analysis. MA can be computed on a distance transform, where each point
- 本工程着重对既有三维模型的复用,和对模型动画的制作。现在业界很少有基于java3D的动画引擎,本工程也是对java3d在动画方面的创新。工程围绕对3D Max文件格式的解析,动画帧的设计,动画文件的存储,动画的驱动,以及用户界面的设计做了详尽的说明,并提供了可运行的范例代码。在工程的尾声部分,着重说明了代码的重构过程和调试方式-This project, to already having the replying and using
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- MR网络购物中心由前台商品展示及销售、后台管理两部分组成。 前台商品展示及销售 该部分主要包括新品上市、特价商品、销售排行、购物车、会员管理、商品公告及订单查询、商品查询等。 后台管理 该部分主要对购物中心内的一些基础数据进行有效管理,包括商品管理、会员管理、订单管理、公告管理等。 -MR Internet shopping from the front display and s
- 不错的GM_EM代码。用于聚类分析等方面。- GM_EM- fit a Gaussian mixture model to N points located in n-dimensional space. Note: This function requires the Statistical Toolbox and, if you wish to plot (for k = 2), the funct
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- CIRCLEINTERSECT Finds intersection of two circles.Function to return the intersection points between two circles given their centres and radi.-CIRCLEINTERSECT Finds intersection of two circles.Function to return the int
- JAVA做的毕业设计及毕业论文,供毕业生学习参考。本工程着重对既有三维模型的复用,和对模型动画的制作。现在业界很少有基于java3D的动画引擎,本工程也是对java3d在动画方面的创新。工程围绕对3D Max文件格式的解析,动画帧的设计,动画文件的存储,动画的驱动,以及用户界面的设计做了详尽的说明,并提供了可运行的范例代码。在工程的尾声部分,着重说明了代码的重构过程和调试方式。使代码更加精简,易读。- emphatically, and