- 应用于51的浮点数计算器程序,其中键盘的扫描程序需自己写(我不想让人都懒起来),还有就是LCD显示部分,根据情况更改-applied to the float 51 calculator program, the keyboard scan process required to write their own (I do not want to have lazy up), the LCD display is also part o
- 应用于51的浮点数计算器程序,其中键盘的扫描程序需自己写(我不想让人都懒起来),还有就是LCD显示部分,根据情况更改-applied to the float 51 calculator program, the keyboard scan process required to write their own (I do not want to have lazy up), the LCD display is also part o
- calc计算工具,包括了51里常用的波特率计算,数码管代码计算,定时器初值计算,二进制,十进制,十六进制的转换功能-calc calculation tools, including 51 in common baud rate calculation, calculation of the digital control code, the timer initial parameters, binary, decimal, hexa