- 这是UT公司设计的SMGP协议的C与java开发包,不错的。-designed the C Wide agreement with java development kits, good.
- Windows CE Programming: Developing Applications for the Handheld PC .This book is designed to provide information about Windows CE programming-Windows CE Programming : Developing Applications for the Handheld PC. T h
- The J2000 codec was written in an effort to produce the cleanest and simplest implementation possible of the JPEG-2000 standard. We have put a particular emphasis on good architecture design and code simplicity, while at
- finaloverridingillusion.ziplic class DoWhileDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { String copyFromMe = \"Copy this string until you encounter the letter g .\" StringBuffer copyToMe = new StringBuffe
- Java mulitplayer strategy game. Adaptation of KDE Galaxy Conquest. (rules are changed - but still they are very simple). Uses java swing client.-Java mulitplayer strategy game. Adaptati on of KDE Galaxy Conquest. (rules
- Package of C library extensions for Windows CE operating system. It is a supplement to C library available on Windows CE platform. The main objective of the project is to provide helper utilities for porting applications
- 基于J2EE的物流信息系统的设计与实现 介绍了J2EE 体系结构、Mv c模式等相关概念和技术,并重点探讨了 目 前比 较受欢迎的三种开源框架( s t r ut s框架、S Pr i n g框架和H i b e m a t e 框架)。 分析了他们的体系结构、 特点和优缺点。 根据J ZE E的分层结构,结合We b应用 的特点, 将三种框架进行组合设计, 即表现层用S t r ut s框架、 业务逻辑层用S P
- 好经典,我咗了好久的,我课程设计都是用它的啦,希望多多支持-It classical , i use ut for class design.
- 这是UT公司设计的SMGP协议的C与java开发包,不错的。-designed the C Wide agreement with java development kits, good.
- Windows CE Programming: Developing Applications for the Handheld PC .This book is designed to provide information about Windows CE programming-Windows CE Programming : Developing Applications for the Handheld PC. T h
- The J2000 codec was written in an effort to produce the cleanest and simplest implementation possible of the JPEG-2000 standard. We have put a particular emphasis on good architecture design and code simplicity, while at
- cut bmp file from the column direction. User can choose where the image should be cut.-cut bmp file from the column direction. Use r can choose where the image should be cut.
- Java mulitplayer strategy game. Adaptation of KDE Galaxy Conquest. (rules are changed - but still they are very simple). Uses java swing client.-Java mulitplayer strategy game. Adaptati on of KDE Galaxy Conquest. (rules
- Package of C library extensions for Windows CE operating system. It is a supplement to C library available on Windows CE platform. The main objective of the project is to provide helper utilities for porting applications
- 基于J2EE的物流信息系统的设计与实现 介绍了J2EE 体系结构、Mv c模式等相关概念和技术,并重点探讨了 目 前比 较受欢迎的三种开源框架( s t r ut s框架、S Pr i n g框架和H i b e m a t e 框架)。 分析了他们的体系结构、 特点和优缺点。 根据J ZE E的分层结构,结合We b应用 的特点, 将三种框架进行组合设计, 即表现层用S t r ut s框架、 业务逻辑层用S P
- Normalized Cut Image Segmentation Code
- 字符GB2312,ANSI-UTF8之间相互转换编码格式程序,从GB2312转到UTF8或者反过来转换-GB2312,ANSI-UTF8
- 基于 Ma t l a b语言的遗传算法工具箱支持二进制和浮点数编码方式, 并且提供了多种选择、 交叉、 变异的方法。 通过具体实例对 Ma t l a b的遗传 算法工具箱的用法进行 了说 明介绍.-The Ge ne t i c Al g or it h m To o l b ox ba s e d on Ma t l a b s u ppo ~s t h e b i na r y a nd f lo a t
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- 时间序列预测 实现时间序列预测功能能能 加油很难是不是研究生是不是很难(times series has been subtracted from each sample ut (see stats/demean). Although all MVGC routines that reference time series data generally accept/return multi-trial data, here for