- The J2000 codec was written in an effort to produce the cleanest and simplest implementation possible of the JPEG-2000 standard. We have put a particular emphasis on good architecture design and code simplicity, while at
- This directory contains an example ADSP-BF535 subroutine that demonstrates the initialization of the AC 97 communication link between SPORT0 on the ADSP-BF535 and the AD1885 stereo Codec.-This directory contains an
- this process is about how to complete MPEG codec, write by VC++.-this process is about how to complete MPEG c odec, write by VC.
- 本程序是基于ACELP算法编写的语音编解码程序,里面有两个程序例子,一个是编码程序,另一个是解码程序。-This is a speech codec based on ACELP algorithm,there are two examples in it,one is the encoder,anther is decoder.
- The J2000 codec was written in an effort to produce the cleanest and simplest implementation possible of the JPEG-2000 standard. We have put a particular emphasis on good architecture design and code simplicity, while at
- This directory contains an example ADSP-BF535 subroutine that demonstrates the initialization of the AC 97 communication link between SPORT0 on the ADSP-BF535 and the AD1885 stereo Codec.-This directory contains an
- this process is about how to complete MPEG codec, write by VC++.-this process is about how to complete MPEG c odec, write by VC.