- ADO.NET in a Nutshell is the most complete and concise source of ADO.NET information available. Besides being a valuable reference, this book covers a variety of issues that programmers face when developing web applicati
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- Linux 操作系统提供进程间通信(IPC)机制,用来保证正在执行的进程在内核的协调下能够 共享资源、同步以及交换数据等。Linux 支持大量进程间通信机制,包括信号、等待队列、管道 以及Unix 系统V 中提供的进程间通信机制,如消息队列、信号量和共享内存。-Linux operating system to provide inter-process communication (IPC) mechanism used to ens
- 本“五子棋“程序只编写了人机对弈部分,运用了博弈树进行搜索,在选取最优的走步时使用极大极小分析法,考虑到搜索的时间复杂度和空间复杂度,在程序中只进行了2步搜索,即计算机在考虑下一步的走法时,只对玩家进行一步的推测。(程序中的棋盘规格为15*15)-\" quintet game \" this procedure is it is it partly , is it play chess tree search for to use
- 24dianyuxi 给4个正数从1-9 然后用4则运算计算结果该是24 -24dianyuxi to four the number from being 1-9 then four Operational results of the 24
- 利用路径生成的动画效果,最妙的地方是所经之处有被照亮的感觉-use trails generated animation, the most interesting thing is once more being illuminate the feeling
- Polygon clipping is one of those humble tasks computers do all the time. It s a basic operation in creating graphic output of all kinds. There are several well-known polygon clipping algorithms, each having its strengths
- 与电子白板类似,是一个动态链接库,作为一个模块嵌入其他的程序中,通过网络可以达到协同浏览的目的,但是模块本身不包含网络部分-similar with electronic whiteboard, it is a dynamic link library. Being a module embedded in other programme, we can share the application though the network.
- 矩阵常见算法,C++实现的类,这是个下载的公用类如果侵犯了您的权利,请告诉我。-This class implements some usual operation about matrix.If this pragram being put on the internet infringe upon your right,please tell me.
- jgraph的开发源码。很多程序员在用别人的api在进行开发,而有些人则正在开发api。想学学后者没吗? 那就看看这个这个开放源码吧! 以下是e文的介绍; Integrate JGraph into your application to get \"out-of-the-box\" graphing Enjoy an open source core technology topped with products a
- This code can be used to model a microstrip line or a microstrip patch antenna (the particular problem being modeled is determined at compile-time via various declarations).
- 理解随机信号功率谱分析原理和方法。 (1) 生成信号,被淹没在在噪声中; (2) 试用周期图法估计信号的功率谱; (3) 选用不同窗,使用修正周期图法估计信号的功率谱; (4) 对一段语音信号,使用LD算法估计其功率谱; (5) 详细列出功率谱估计的步骤和原理。 -understanding of random signal power spectrum analysis principles and
- Delphi中串口通信的实现 Delphi是一种具有功能强大、简便易用和代码执行速度快等优点的可视化快速应用开发工具,它在构架企业信息系统方面发挥着越来越重要的作用,许多程序员愿意选择 Delphi作为开发工具编制各种应用程序。但是,美中不足之处是 Delphi没有自带的串口通信控件,在它的帮助文档里也没有提及串口通信,这就给编制通信程序的开发人员带来许多不便。 -Delphi is a functional and rapi
- uc/os2.52在ARM44b0移植成功的代码,已验证-The successful source code of the uc/OS 2.52 port to the ARM 44B0 ,and being tested
- 自己用Ansys命令编得求试验台架应力分析得一个例子-own use Ansys order of being Test Bench for stress analysis in a case
- 本文以问答方式介绍easyarm2100/2104移植 ucos系统遇到的常见问题-By question and answer way ,this paper gives us an view of the problems being frequently met when uCOS-II is ported to the easyarm2100/2104 development board
- 一断点续传程序服务器端 本软件适用于装有IP/TCP协议的电脑. 主要功能:电脑间传送大型文件.(如电影等)- A break point continues passes on procedure server end this software to be suitable to being loaded with the IP/TCP agreement the computer Main function: Bet
- 一篇关于uwb在雷达方面的论文。UWB radar for human being detection-An article on UWB radar papers. UWB radar for human being detection
- 前一段时间看到了一个病毒,在桌面上显示一个图片:this computer is being attacked!找到了一个批处理专杀工具给大家分享-Some time ago to see a virus, the desktop shows a picture: this computer is being attacked! Found a batch to share with you专杀工具