- When bit mask is on, the associated edca queue supports APSD. -When bit mask is on, the associated edca queue supports APSD.
matlab apsd sin算法实例
- 一种模拟加速度信号和计算功率谱密度的方法(a example of simulate acceleration and compute psd)
Buffet_sin_random 实例
- 一种模拟加速度信号的计算功率谱密度的方法,加速度信号由1个特定频率和抖振组成(a example of APSD, the acceleration signal is simulated by sin and random)
Buffet_sin3_random 实例
- 一种加速度抖振信号的模拟与分析方法,加速度信号中有3个主频率(a example of acceleration buffet signal)
- 一种加速度抖振信号的模拟方法,及用welch法分析其功率谱密度(a example of acceleration buffet simulation, and welch)