- 蚁群算法的应用描述,借鉴以为师兄的博士毕业论文-Application of ant colony algorithm descr iption, from a doctoral thesis that师兄
- Contour Correspondence via Ant Colony Optimization Oliver van Kaick <ovankaic@cs.sfu.ca> http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~ovankaic/personal/ This MATLAB implementation computes a correspondence between two shape
- This MATLAB implementation computes a correspondence between two shapes based on ant colony optimization (ACO). The input shapes can be either two 2D contours (open or closed) or two arbitrary sets of 2D points.
- This MATLAB implementation computes a correspondence between two shapes based on ant colony optimization (ACO). The input shapes can be either two 2D contours (open or closed) or two arbitrary sets of 2D points. The
- 模拟退火算法、蚁群算法的应用。矿山物流,覆盖问题,通信节点部署,2D PHP模型等-Simulated annealing algorithm, ant colony algorithm. Mining and logistics, the coverage problem, communication node deployment, 2D PHP model
- 采用蚁群优化算法的轮廓匹配,输入可以是二值轮廓或者是任意的二维点集-This MATLAB implementation computes a correspondence between two shapes based on ant colony optimization (ACO). The input shapes can be either two 2D contours (open or closed) or two
- 基于蚁群算法的路径规划,包括二维路径和三维路径,非常实用,无BUG,注释详细-Path planning, ant colony algorithm, including 2D and 3D path planning path,