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- 不要上传有版权争议的内容和*病毒代码 开发环境: 请选择 Visual C++ Visual Basic DOS Unix_Linux C++ Builder Java Windows_Unix Delphi C-C++ PHP-PERL PHP Perl Python HTML Asm Pascal Borland C++ 其他 多平台 C++ VFP SQL PDF TEXT WORD VBscr ipt Javas
- 不知道什么东西,自己下载区看吧,我要积分-windows_Unix need it you may not need it
- 学籍管理系统,学籍 管理系统 Visual C++ Visual Basic DOS Unix_Linux C++ Builder Java Windows_Unix Delphi C-C++ PHP-PERL PHP Perl Python HTML Asm Pascal Borland C++ Others MultiPlatform C++ VFP SQL PDF TEXT WORD VBscr ipt Javascr ipt A
- 此代码用于WM手机系统的调式用。相当于uboot的功能,对移植linux到wm系统上非常有用。-This code is used WM phones modal system used. Uboot is equivalent to the functions of the transplanted linux to wm the system very useful.
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- 、、: 请选择 Visual C++ Visual Basic DOS Unix_Linux C++ Builder Java Windows_Unix Delphi C-C++ PHP-PERL PHP Perl Python HTML Asm Pascal Borland C++ Others MultiPlatform C++ VFP SQL PDF TEXT WORD VBscr ipt Javascr ipt ASP CSha
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