- This software implements stereo algorithms described in the following papers: Vladimir Kolmogorov and Ramin Zabih \"Multi-Camera scene Reconstruction via Graph Cuts\" In: European Conference on Computer Vi
computing dense correspondence graph cuts
- computing dense correspondence # # (disparity map) between two images using graph cuts This software implements stereo algorithms described in the following papers: Vladimir Kolmogorov and Ramin Zabih
- This software implements stereo algorithms described in the following papers: Vladimir Kolmogorov and Ramin Zabih "Multi-Camera scene Reconstruction via Graph Cuts" In: European Conference on Computer Visi
- 本代码执行Edmonds algorithm来进行最小代价函数,实现图形最佳匹配。参考文献:"Blossom V: A new implementation of a minimum cost perfect matching algorithm."Vladimir Kolmogorov. -Edmonds algorithm the implementation of the code for the smallest cost
- 对Vladimir Kolmogorov,Yuri Boykov大牛的算法杰作——Graph Cut进行使用演示,代码力求精简,可供Graph Cut初学者参考学习。已通过VS2005编译。-Of Vladimir Kolmogorov, Yuri Boykov big cow masterpiece algorithm- Graph Cut for the use of demonstration, the code to be si
- 继 Discrete Cosine Transform: Algorithms, Advantages, Applications (K. R. Rao and P. Yip) 之后的一本关于离散余弦变换(DCT)的快速实现算法的最新专著. 本书第五章“Integer Discrete Cosine/Sine Transforms”关于DCT整数近似实现写的非常详细和精彩, 很方便大家编程实现. 值得一提的是本书的第一作者Vladimi
- source code for light normalisation presented by Ralph Gross in this paper @inproceedings{RGross_AVBPA_2003, author = "Ralph Gross and Vladimir Brajovic", title = "An Image Preprocessing Algorithm for Illuminatio
- This is a lab project for encryption-decryption! Some program methods were developed by me in Vladimir State University!
- 配合KOL减小程序大小的系统文件,制造超级小程序的配套设施-Fake variants.pas unit for Delphi6/Delphi7. Place it in a directory with your KOL/MCK (or other non-VCL) project, and this will save about 70K of code in the executable. Certa
- 实现了An Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms for Energy Minimization in Vision [Yuri Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov]中的新的最大流算法,经过实验验证比传统的最大流算法效率更高-Achieved An Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-F
- 基于文献“一种新的最小割完美匹配算法”的最小割匹配算法-An implementation of a minimum cost perfect matching algorithm described in Blossom V: A new implementation of a minimum cost perfect matching algorithm. Vladimir Kolmogorov
- 基于文献“对偶凸代价网络流问题算法在计算机视觉中的应用”对于凸网络流问题的一种原始对偶算法的实现-An implementation of the primal-dual method for the dual of the convex network flow problem ("Convex Markov Random Fields") described in New Algorithms for the
- 一种对于图匹配优化问题对偶分解的算法实现-An implementation of a dual decomposition technique for the graph matching optimization problem described in Feature Correspondence via Graph Matching: Models and Global Optimization.
- 基于文献“计算机视觉中的能量函数最小化的最小割/最大流”的最大流算法实现-An implementation of the maxflow algorithm described in An Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms for Energy Minimization in Computer Vision. Yuri B
- Yuri Boykov s and Vladimir Kolmogorov s work on graph cuts and MRF optimization has been extensively cited in the academia, and their maximum flow implementation is widely used in computer vision and image processing res
- Morphology, broadly, is the study of form or structure. Folkloristic morphology, then, is the study of the structure of folklore and fairy tales. Folkloristic morphology owes its existence to two seminal researchers
- 国象RobboLito,等级分过3000的引擎,-RobboLito for Windows RobboLito is a UCI chess playing engine authors: Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin, Igor Igorovich Igoronov, Roberto Pescatore copyright: (C) 2009 Yakov Petrovich Golyadk
- 使用C#语言实现图像编码的各种算法,如霍夫曼编码、香农编码、香弗编码、行程编码、傅里叶编码等等。-C# language using a variety of image coding algorithms such as Huffman coding, Shannon coding, Hong Vladimir coding, length encoding, Fourier coding and so on.
- 数据结构课程设计 ,交通查询系统,本系统功能有:(1)添加城市、(2)删除城市,(3)添加路径、(4)删除路径,(5)计算最佳路径,可分别用弗洛伊德和迪杰斯特拉算法计算,(6)计算关键路径-Data structure course design, traffic query system, the system functions are: (1) Add the city, (2) Delete the city, (3) Add
- This software library implements the maxflow algorithm described in An Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms for Energy Minimization in Vision. Yuri Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov.