- The VideoTransmit class is a simple wrapper that can be programmed to take video input from a source of your choice and transmit the video to a destination computer or network in JPEG format. - The VideoTransmit class is
- The AVTransmit2 class is very similar to the VideoTransmit, but uses RTP managers to send the video and audio streams.
- The VideoTransmit class is a simple wrapper that can be programmed to take video input from a source of your choice and transmit the video to a destination computer or network in JPEG format. - The VideoTransmit class is
- The AVTransmit2 class is very similar to the VideoTransmit, but uses RTP managers to send the video and audio streams.
- it transmits video using jmf
- Then check for the output format. if (owner instanceof Codec) { Format fmts[] = ((Codec)owner).getSupportedOutputFormats(null) for (int j = 0 j < fmts.length j++) { if (fmts[j].matches(jpegFmt)