- The TLED component emulates the behaviour of a Light Emitting Diode electronic component, and can be dropped onto a form (or container component) to provide a visual on or off indication of any Boolean variable VCL
- It is a bpl for C + + Builder. Simple LED indicator. Made in C + + builder 2010, miuy easy to use. Recommender for beginners.
- 液晶显示字符数字,很漂亮.液晶显示字符数字-TLed is a visual component descended directly from TGraphicControl. As a result, led controls have no window handles and have a negligible impact on system resources. Efficient use of system resourc
- c51源程序集锦,51单片机开发的好资料,包括各种常用模块,很实用!(tled.mcw READMEt.txt source ......\delay.asm ......\hex2asc.asm ......\Init.asm ......\main.asm ......\main.COD ......\main.err ......\main.HEX ......\main.lst)
实验1 跑马灯实验
- tled.mcw READMEt.txt source ......\delay.asm ......\hex2asc.asm ......\Init.asm ......\main.asm ......\main.COD ......\main.err ......\main.HEX ......\main.lst