- Bit error probability curve for QPSK mimo 1*2, Bit error probability curve for QPSK mimo 1*4-Bit error probability curve for QPSK mimo 1*2, Bit error probability curve for QPSK mimo 1*4
- A 2by3 MIMO model using Simulink. The decoder uses zero forcing algorithm. Set in the workspace the modulation order (QAM modulation), Doppler shift, SNR in dB, bit rate, sample per fr a me, max number of bits and max nu
- Bit Loading The amount of bits that can be carried per channel depends upon the SNR at that particular frequency, lower SNR levels may need more power to transmit data and since each frequency is subject to an overall
- Bit Loading The amount of bits that can be carried per channel depends upon the SNR at that particular frequency, lower SNR levels may need more power to transmit data and since each frequency is subject to an overall
- This code is related to the course Digital Communications. It easily reproduces the error probability as a function of the SNR per bit for QPSK and 16-QAM systems using MATLAB
- This code is related to the course Digital Communications. It reproduce the error probability as a function of the SNR per bit for 16-QAM. Enjoy it!