RGB8 filter
- DIREXTX的一个过滤例子。读出视频文件中的图像。之后把图像转成8位色图像输-DIREXTX example of a filter. Reading out the video images. After the image is transferred into eight color image output up
- a sample WDM stream class video capture driver that supports two IEEE 1394 digital cameras. The same driver may be able to support other digital cameras that conform to 1394-based Digital Camera Specification from 1394
RGB8 filter
- DIREXTX的一个过滤例子。读出视频文件中的图像。之后把图像转成8位色图像输-DIREXTX example of a filter. Reading out the video images. After the image is transferred into eight color image output up
- a sample WDM stream class video capture driver that supports two IEEE 1394 digital cameras. The same driver may be able to support other digital cameras that conform to 1394-based Digital Camera Specification from 1394
- 视频格式转码函数,YUV420、YUV420sp(NV12)、yuyv、uyvy、yvu420、y41p、yuv410、yuv422p、yuv411p、rgb8、rgb15、RGB16、rgb24、RGB32 等格式之间的相互转换函数库-function library for video Formats converting between YUV420、YUV420sp(NV12)、yuyv、uyvy、yvu420、y41p、yu
- android底层调用摄像头,并将摄像头采集的yuyv数据保存为rgb8,即256灰度图。android上面接口提供一个保存地址和名字,如"/Sdcard/rgb8.bmp"-android underlying call camera, and the camera acquisition yuyv data is saved as rgb8, that is 256 grayscale. android interface prov
- \file texcompress etc.c GL OES compressed ETC1 RGB8 texture support Source Code for Linux v2.13.6.