- XMail is an Internet and intranet mail server featuring an SMTP server, POP3 server, finger server, multiple domains, no need for users to have a real system account, SMTP relay checking, RBL/RSS/ORBS/DUL and custom ( IP
Docking Toolbars in Plain C
- This tutorial will show you how to create docking tool windows- This tutorial will show you how to create docking tool windows
- Display a Web Page in a Plain C Win32 Application: There are numerous examples that demonstrate how to embed Internet Explorer in your own window. But these examples typically use Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), .N
Making plain binary files using a C compiler (i386
- Making plain binary files using a C compiler,使用gcc得到纯二进制代码。讲的很不错,对学习c语言,了解编译器很有用。-Making plain binary files using a C compiler, gcc used to be pure binary code. Said very good, to learn c language, understand the compile
- 本程序只用于个人EXCEL密码遗忘时,试图探测密码; 减少重复劳动,不可进行其它不当使用,否则后果由使用者自负; 在文本框中输入EXCEL文档的全路径名称,例如: C:\\doc\\book1.xls; 适用于WINDOWS95/98/NT系统 ,安装了EXCEL97 。 此源码公开,欢迎感兴趣的网友优化提高。 稍加修改即可用于探测ACCESS ,WORD 文档的密码。 适当修改或增加密码字典:di
- 浙江大学老师JAVA课程程序设计上课演示的源码,深入浅出的讲述了JAVA语言的架构,对JAVA初学者很有帮助!-teachers of Zhejiang University courses JAVA programming classes demo source code, the plain language of the Java language on the structure of the Java beginners he
- 使用正则表达式将html转换成为text(纯文本),常用户数据库全文搜索程序当中。-Regular expressions are used to convert html text (plain text). regular customer database full-text search program.
- Digital Audio Effects(数字音效处理)dsp开发数值运算方面经典c代码,包括:lowpass reverberator、plain reverberator 等5种处理-Digital Audio Effects (digital sound processing) dsp development of numerical computing, classical c code, including : lowpas
- he FormHelp component adds the context-sensitive help features to your Delphi/BCB forms without any bulky help files. It traps the context-sensitive help calls and creates its own popup windows from a control s hin
- 一个纯文本方式的个人BLOG系统,使用DIV+JAVASCRIT布局,采用了高效方便的文本数据库类,无需数据库的支持,实现了BLOG各种丰富的功能,可自由添加,删除日志分类,对于每一个日志分类,可以单独设置其访问权限,可通过设置自由发貼开关要限制普通用户的发贴权限,还可以设定是否将新发布的日志加入总日志列表;对于单篇日志,也有相应的访问权限设置,与日志分类的权限设置相结合,可以实现丰富的文章权限功能 日志分类有单篇日志置顶功能. B
- 假如所有的哲学家都同时拿起左侧叉子,看到右侧叉子不可用,又都放下左侧叉子,等一会儿,又同时拿起左侧叉子,如此这般,永远重复。对于这种情况,即所有的程序都在无限期地运行,但是都无法取得任何进展,即出现饥饿,所有哲学家都吃不上饭。所以规定奇数号的哲学家先拿起他左边的叉子,然后再去拿他右边的叉子 而偶数号的哲学家则相反.按此规定,将是0,1号哲学家竞争0号叉子,2,3号哲学家竞争2号叉子.即五个哲学家都竞争奇数号叉子,获得后,再去竞争偶数号叉
- 利用线程方案实现实现哲学家问题.设置五个信号量代表五把叉子,初使值均为1,表示5把叉子均可以取,设置五个线程代表5个哲学家,其值分别为0~4,规定奇数号的哲学家先拿起他左边的叉子,然后再去拿他右边的叉子 而偶数号的哲学家则相反.按此规定,将是1,2号哲学家竞争1号叉子,3,4号哲学家竞争3号叉子.即五个哲学家都竞争奇数号叉子,获得后,再去竞争偶数号叉子,最后总会有一个哲学家能获得两支叉子而进餐。而申请不到的哲学家进入阻塞等待队列,根FI
- Obtain the plain text session key using CryptoAPI
- 色调均匀,暗红或黑色,分布于河岸处,形状规则。 红或深绿色,有纹理结构和明显的灌渠,形状规则,分布于河谷、河流两岸冲积平原。 -uniform colors, or black dishes, distributed in the bank, the shape of the rules. Red or dark green, texture and structure of the irrigation channels cl
- 用vfp做的,仿管家婆界面,大家来下载看看,效果如何.请大家给点意见.-do with the Probe, fake plain housewife commonsense interface to download you look at the results. Please give points.
Making plain binary files using a C compiler (i386
- Making plain binary files using a C compiler,使用gcc得到纯二进制代码。讲的很不错,对学习c语言,了解编译器很有用。-Making plain binary files using a C compiler, gcc used to be pure binary code. Said very good, to learn c language, understand the compile
- 汉明码的译码,用Matlab做的,适于初始学习汉明-Han plain code decoding, Matlab do, is suitable for the initial studies the Chinese Ming
- 平原河网非恒定流的数值计算,如国内的太湖流域和珠江三角洲地区的河网水动力问题历来被众多学者所关注.-Plain river networks unsteady flow numerical calculation, such as the Taihu Lake Basin and the Pearl River Delta region hydrodynamic problem has always been of concern to
- Files for an analysis of plain stress in a pipe using ANSYS
- A plate for plain stress analysis in ANSYS