- 共阳极连接的键盘扫描程序 PC5 PC4 PC3 PC2 PC1 PC0 PC10 0 1 2 3 17 18 PC9 4 5 6 7 19 20 PC8 8 9 10 11 21 22 PC7 12 13 14 15 23 24 PC6 16 25 -total anodic bonding keyboard scanning procedures PC5 PC4 PC3 advection The
- 硬件实用手册 硬件手册中收集了几乎一切与计算机有关的接插件的引脚说明,例如: 各种总线:ISA, EISA, PCI, VESA, CompactPCI, PCMCIA ...... 串行接口:RS232, PC9, PC25, Printer, PS/2, RS422 ...... 并行接口:PC, Amiga, ECP, MSX ...... 视频接口:VGA, EGA, CGA, PGA, Macintosh
- 共阳极连接的键盘扫描程序 PC5 PC4 PC3 PC2 PC1 PC0 PC10 0 1 2 3 17 18 PC9 4 5 6 7 19 20 PC8 8 9 10 11 21 22 PC7 12 13 14 15 23 24 PC6 16 25 -total anodic bonding keyboard scanning procedures PC5 PC4 PC3 advection The
- 硬件实用手册 硬件手册中收集了几乎一切与计算机有关的接插件的引脚说明,例如: 各种总线:ISA, EISA, PCI, VESA, CompactPCI, PCMCIA ...... 串行接口:RS232, PC9, PC25, Printer, PS/2, RS422 ...... 并行接口:PC, Amiga, ECP, MSX ...... 视频接口:VGA, EGA, CGA, PGA, Macintosh
- pc-lint9 带文档,新版本,需要者快下-pc-lint9 with documents
- This example shows how to use, for debug purpose, the RCC_GetClocksFreq function to retrieve the current status and frequencies of different on chip clocks. You can see the RCC_ClockFreq structure content, which ho
- 本实验将实现如下功能:通过定时器的输出比较模式,在PC6~PC9,输出4路PWM,每路PWM频率为500Hz,占空比为50%,每一路PWM相位差为45°(This experiment will realize the following functions: through the timer output comparison mode, in PC6~PC9, output 4 way PWM, each PWM frequenc
STM32 的4路互补pwm
- 使用keil5编写的STM32输出四路互补的PWM,适配正点原子的mini版,同样是为电赛逆变系统做的准备。通过定时器的输出比较模式,在PC6~PC9,输出4路PWM,每路PWM频率为500Hz,占空比为50%,每一路PWM相位差为45°(The STM32 output four complementary PWM, which is written in keil5, is suitable for the mini version
- STM32+L298N驱动四路电机。可以使用定时器中断来实时监测电机的速度以及位置,通过PID算法来精确控制电机的速度和位置(STM32 + L298N drives four-way motors. Timer interruption can be used to monitor the speed and position of the motor in real time, and PID algorithm can accur
Firmware_F405 V1.2.1
- 硬件资源: 1,MCU: STM32F405RGT6 (FLAH:1024K, RAM:196K, 系统运行时钟频率:168MHz) 2,IMU: MPU6000(通信方式:SPI1, SCK:PA5 \ MISO:PA6 \ MOSI:PA7 \ CS:PC2) 3,气压计: BMP280(通讯方式:IIC1, SCL:PB6 \ SDA:PB7) 4,磁力计接口: HMC5883L(通讯方式:IIC1, SCL:P