FX2 CPU Source OUTa
- 演示CY7C68013如何接受OUT包的源程序-Source code to demo how CY7C68013 to receive OUT packege.
- //4×4 查找表乘法器 module mult4x4(out,a,b,clk) output[7:0] out input[3:0] a,b input clk reg[7:0] out reg[1:0] firsta,firstb reg[1:0] seconda,secondb wire[3:0] outa,outb,outc,outd always @(posedge clk
FX2 CPU Source OUTa
- 演示CY7C68013如何接受OUT包的源程序-Source code to demo how CY7C68013 to receive OUT packege.
- //4×4 查找表乘法器 module mult4x4(out,a,b,clk) output[7:0] out input[3:0] a,b input clk reg[7:0] out reg[1:0] firsta,firstb reg[1:0] seconda,secondb wire[3:0] outa,outb,outc,outd always @(posedge clk
- DSPF2812学习程序:SPI程序,对MAX5742的OUTA通道DA0UT1使能并置数输出,适于初学者学习-DSPF2812 learning process: SPI program, the MAX5742' s OUTA channel DA0UT1 enable and set the number of output, suitable for beginners to learn