- MCIWnd is a window class for controlling multimedia devices. A library of functions, messages, and macros associated with MCIWnd provides a simple method to add multimedia playback or recording capabilities to your appli
- 这个试圆周率的Machin算法,在这里共享,希望对大家有所帮助,看看这个算法会有启发!-test the ratio of the circumference Machin algorithm, in sharing, we want to help, look at this algorithm will be inspired!
- Write Great Code 的第一卷 Understanding the Machine 第一卷用语言无关的方式告诉程序员写出很好的代码所需要的知识,而不需要了解具体的汇编语言-Write Great Code Volume I of the Ma Understanding chine vol language unrelated to tell the programmers to write good code req
- 复化simponson求积数值分析算法之复化simpson求积算法,详细情形请见源程序,,Visual C++ my赛德尔迭代法.rar - 在VC++实现的赛德尔迭代法,有每次迭代的结果,,Visual C++ -complex plot of simponson for numerical analysis algorithm from a plot of simpson seeking algorithm, details
- Resolves DNS Host Name to corresponding IP Address. It works both with URL as well as Machine Name in Network. -Resolves DNS Host Name to corresponding IP Address. It works both with the URL as well as Machin Name in e
- unix/linux send arp packet to other machine!-unix / linux send arp packet to other machin e!
Boltzmann Machin
- 仿真1:首先把网络温度参数T固定在100,按工作规则共进行1000次状态更新,把这1000次状态转移中网络中的各个状态出现的次数Si(i=1,2,…,16)记录下来 按下式计算各个状态出现的实际频率: Pi=Si/∑i=1,NSi=Si/M 同时按照Bo1tzmann分布计算网络各个状态出现概率的理论值: Q(Ei)=(1/Z)exp(-Ei/T) 仿真2:实施降温方案,重新计算 采用快速降温方案:T(t)= T0/(1+t) T从10
编译原理及工程实践(Kenneth CLouden 著)
本书系统介绍了经典的编译理论和技术,同时也包含了面向对象语言等当前较新语言的编译技术。本书更可贵之处在于提供了较完整的适用于教学实践的样例语言,是一本理论和实践内容相结合的、不可多得的好书。 本书可用作大专院校教材、教师参考书以及编译器研究人员的参考资料。
Boltzmann Machin
- 仿真1:首先把网络温度参数T固定在100,按工作规则共进行1000次状态更新,把这1000次状态转移中网络中的各个状态出现的次数Si(i=1,2,…,16)记录下来 按下式计算各个状态出现的实际频率: Pi=Si/∑i=1,NSi=Si/M 同时按照Bo1tzmann分布计算网络各个状态出现概率的理论值: Q(Ei)=(1/Z)exp(-Ei/T) 仿真2:实施降温方案,重新计算 采用快速降温方案:T(t)= T0/(1+t) T从10
- MCIWnd is a window class for controlling multimedia devices. A library of functions, messages, and macros associated with MCIWnd provides a simple method to add multimedia playback or recording capabilities to your appli
- 这个试圆周率的Machin算法,在这里共享,希望对大家有所帮助,看看这个算法会有启发!-test the ratio of the circumference Machin algorithm, in sharing, we want to help, look at this algorithm will be inspired!
- Write Great Code 的第一卷 Understanding the Machine 第一卷用语言无关的方式告诉程序员写出很好的代码所需要的知识,而不需要了解具体的汇编语言-Write Great Code Volume I of the Ma Understanding chine vol language unrelated to tell the programmers to write good code req
- 复化simponson求积数值分析算法之复化simpson求积算法,详细情形请见源程序,,Visual C++ my赛德尔迭代法.rar - 在VC++实现的赛德尔迭代法,有每次迭代的结果,,Visual C++ -complex plot of simponson for numerical analysis algorithm from a plot of simpson seeking algorithm, details
- Resolves DNS Host Name to corresponding IP Address. It works both with URL as well as Machine Name in Network. -Resolves DNS Host Name to corresponding IP Address. It works both with the URL as well as Machin Name in e
- unix/linux send arp packet to other machine!-unix/linux send arp packet to other machin e!
- 求pai的machin算法,能计算任意精度的pai! -Pai for the machin algorithm that can calculate arbitrary precision pai!
- GA for single machin problem
- GA2 for single Machin Problem
- svm(support vector machin) code usefull for classification-svm(support vector machin) code usefull for classification