- Descr iption: This program demonstrates a half-duplex 9600-baud UART using // Timer_A3 using no XTAL and an external resistor for DCO ROSC. DCO used for // TACLK UART baud generation. The program will wait in LPM4, e
- Descr iption: This program demonstrates a half-duplex 9600-baud UART using // Timer_A3 using no XTAL and an external resistor for DCO ROSC. DCO used for // TACLK UART baud generation. The program will wait in LPM4, e
- 在《温度计_基本原理》程序中,已经实现了一个温度测量和显示的系统,但因为采样速率很快,且对基准源不加控制,耗电很大(800uA左右)。本例中,将温度采集速度降到1秒一次,且采样间隙时间不仅关闭基准源,还让CPU进入LPM3休眠状态,大大节省了耗电。该程序功耗仅10uA左右,可用纽扣电池长期运行(2年)。实际上对于环境温度1秒1次采样仍属浪费,如果降到5秒一次,功耗可下降到4uA左右(CR2032电池工作5年)。按KEY3后,CPU进入L
- A single sample is made on A10 with reference to internal // 1.5V Vref. Software sets ADC12SC to start sample and conversion - ADC12SC // automatically cleared at EOC-A single sample is made on A10 with reference to