- 动态库注入器 1.0 功能:将一个动态库文件注入到一个正在运行的进程内. 应用:通过注入功能,可以实现对一个进程的api hook,比如写一个dll,然后hook socket api,然后注入到你想监视的进程,这样就能够用于网络数据包的分析了 -DLL injector 1.0 features : a dynamic library file is injected into a running process.
- Enclosed is MFC source code for a function which can be used to hook any imported function call which your application makes. Since most of the Win32 API is implemented using import functions in dlls, this means that you
- A fr a mework for capturing, injecting and analyzing network packets for .NET applications based on the WinPcap packet capture driver. -A fr a mework for capturing, injecting and analyzing network packets for. N ET app
- Recub这是一款Windows平台下的远程控制工具 使用activex启动技术 英文介绍 RECUB Features. 1 RC4 Encripted Reverce connect Shell for XP,2k,2003. 2 Bypass Firewalls by starting new instance of Internet explorer and injecting code 3 Activate t
Encripted Reverce connect
- RECUB Features. 1 RC4 Encripted Reverce connect Shell for XP,2k,2003. 2 Bypass Firewalls by starting new instance of Internet explorer and injecting code 3 Activate throw Encrypted ICMP request 5 No listning ports 6 No P
- 动态库注入器 1.0 功能:将一个动态库文件注入到一个正在运行的进程内. 应用:通过注入功能,可以实现对一个进程的api hook,比如写一个dll,然后hook socket api,然后注入到你想监视的进程,这样就能够用于网络数据包的分析了 -DLL injector 1.0 features : a dynamic library file is injected into a running process.
- Enclosed is MFC source code for a function which can be used to hook any imported function call which your application makes. Since most of the Win32 API is implemented using import functions in dlls, this means that you
- A fr a mework for capturing, injecting and analyzing network packets for .NET applications based on the WinPcap packet capture driver. -A fr a mework for capturing, injecting and analyzing network packets for. N ET app
- 向其他进程注入代码的三种方法!里面包含一篇详细介绍3种代码注入方法的文章,包含文章里示例的代码与DEMO,非常经典。-Injecting code to other processes of the three methods! Which contains a detailed introduction into the three kinds of methods article code, article contains sam
- Recub这是一款Windows平台下的远程控制工具 使用activex启动技术 英文介绍 RECUB Features. 1 RC4 Encripted Reverce connect Shell for XP,2k,2003. 2 Bypass Firewalls by starting new instance of Internet explorer and injecting code 3 Activate t
- 一个基于高频注入的异步电机矢量控制仿真模型。-Based on injecting high-frequency induction motor vector control simulation model.
- A novel met hod t o p artially compensate sigma2delta shap ed noise is p rop osed. By injecting t he comp en2 sation cur rent int o t he p assive loop f ilte r during t he delay time of t he p hase f requency detect or
- 一种新的盲源分离方法 Injecting noise for analysing the stability of ICA components -Injecting noise for analysing the stability of ICA components
- 这是一个向其他进程注射代码的源程序,内有demo。-This is a process of injecting code to other source, there are demo.
- 通过注入的方式实现了禁用系统三键的功能,该方法使三键禁用没有任何闪动-Be achieved by injecting the three keys to disable system features, the method so that the three keys to disable any flashing
- Wrappit - a DLL proxy wrapper for hooking DLL calls or injecting code.-Wrappit- a DLL proxy wrapper for hooking DLL calls or injecting code.
- 使用CreateProcess远程注入D-Remote Injecting DLL Using CreateProcess function.
- This program makes html-coded copies of screen of DOS console programs via process injecting. Compiles with Delphi 7.
- Injecting a DLL Into a Running Proce-Injecting a DLL Into a Running Process
- Injecting a DLL Into a Running Proce-Injecting a DLL Into a Running Process