- http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone6/cat700/16060.htm A tiny BASIC interpreter with C++ sourcecode
sd2000全系列 51汇编程序
- 本程序用于测试实时时钟模块SD2000系列功能之一:四种中断功能 程序功能如下: 1.在SD2000试验板上显示实时时间的小时和分钟? 2./INT1 到指定时刻时输出低电平. 3./INT2输出固定频率32768HZ. 4.测试每分钟边沿中断输出(INT MODE3)和每分钟固定中断输出(INT MODE4)功能-procedures used to test the real-time clock module SD2000 ser
- 本程序用于测试实时时钟模块SD2000的SRAM存储器D/E系列, 程序功能如下: 1. 关闭/INT1及/INT2的中断输出 2. 初始化时间(写时间数据) 3. 在BREAKPOINT1设断点时,依次读时间-写SRAM数据-读SRAM数据循环 4. 全速执行时,LED四位分别显示小时和分钟的值-procedures used to test the real-time clock module SD2000 SRAM memory
- TMS320C54X DSP 实验指导程序 实验一 常用指令实验 实验二 数据存储实验 实验三 I/O实验 实验四 定时器实验 实验五 INT2中断实验 实验六 A/D转换实验 实验七 D/A转换实验 实验八 AD/DA综合实验 -TMS320C54X DSP experimental procedures to guide an experimental common directive expe
- CCS编程环境 使用的是汇编加C的混合编程方法: The programme of the Correlation Algorithm. Using INT2 to get the input signal. Array x, in first step, is the input signal produced by programme, in next step, is the input signal get fr
- http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone6/cat700/16060.htm A tiny BASIC interpreter with C++ sourcecode
- 本程序用于测试实时时钟模块SD2000的SRAM存储器D/E系列, 程序功能如下: 1. 关闭/INT1及/INT2的中断输出 2. 初始化时间(写时间数据) 3. 在BREAKPOINT1设断点时,依次读时间-写SRAM数据-读SRAM数据循环 4. 全速执行时,LED四位分别显示小时和分钟的值-procedures used to test the real-time clock module SD2000 SRAM memory
- TMS320C54X DSP 实验指导程序 实验一 常用指令实验 实验二 数据存储实验 实验三 I/O实验 实验四 定时器实验 实验五 INT2中断实验 实验六 A/D转换实验 实验七 D/A转换实验 实验八 AD/DA综合实验 -TMS320C54X DSP experimental procedures to guide an experimental common directive expe
- CCS编程环境 使用的是汇编加C的混合编程方法: The programme of the Correlation Algorithm. Using INT2 to get the input signal. Array x, in first step, is the input signal produced by programme, in next step, is the input signal get fr
- 定时器timer0定时1S,控制SPI显示 中断方式 RTC采用秒中断控制UART0通讯 查询方式 外部中断INT1、INT2控制LED显示 其中INT1控制亮,INT2控制灭-Timer timer timer0 1S, control display interrupt RTC SPI interrupt control UART0 communication using second inquiry means exter
- tError Con trol Approach of Random L inear Network Coding.A im ing at random linear netwo rk coding, th is paper p ropo ses an er ro r cont ro l method w h ich combines po int2 po int check ing er ro r and end2 end ret
- PS2.c - FlashLite186 iç in PS/2 Klavye Fonksiyonlarý */ /* Lima Endustriyel Bilgisayar - www.lima.com.tr */ /* Haziran 2004 - Istanbul, Turkiye */ /* */ /* Konsol, INT2 v
- REncoder - R8822 INT2 Example by */ /* Lima Endustriyel Bilgisayar, March 2004 - Cem Celik */ /* Counts Pulses Generated by a Rotary Encoder */ /* Uses Console, INT2 and Pin0 of Port C : */ /* */ /* C
- PS2.c - FlashLite186 iç in PS/2 Klavye Fonksiyonlarý */ /* Lima Endustriyel Bilgisayar - www.lima.com.tr */ /* Haziran 2004 - Istanbul, Turkiye */ /* */ /* Konsol, INT2 ve P
- STC单片机特有的外部中断INT2实现红外解码-STC microcontroller to achieve the unique infrared decoder INT2 external interrupt
- 完成实训程序的编写,用单片机控制灯的逻辑亮灭。按下INT2,LED灯亮;再次按下,LED灯灭;第三次按下,LED亮┉┉依次类推。-Complete the training procedures for the preparation, use MCU control logic of bright lights off. Press INT2, LED lights again pressed, LED lamp third t
- 完成实训程序的编写,用单片机控制灯的逻辑亮灭。按下INT2,LED灯亮;再次按下,LED灯灭;第三次按下,LED亮┉┉依次类推。-Complete the training procedures for the preparation, use MCU control logic of bright lights off. Press INT2, LED lights again pressed, LED lamp third t
- dds芯片AD9850的源代码,能够产生正弦波和方波,但是不能产生三角波,能达到60兆赫,还是给大家一起分享一下。-dds chip AD9850 source code, can produce sine wave. Up to 60 MHz, or to share with you.
- 二路选择器有两个输入端口int1和int2,一个输出端口pout,还有控制端口cnt1.-Two way selector having two input ports of INT1 and INT2, an output port and control port pout, cnt1.