- When creating applications with a complex view layout, there are several features that are missing from MFC. First, each type of view layout is created differently (simple view vs. splitter vs. nested splitter). Simple v
- When creating applications with a complex view layout, there are several features that are missing from MFC. First, each type of view layout is created differently (simple view vs. splitter vs. nested splitter). Simple v
- 获取数据包柄对其进行分析,分析数据包类型,及相关协议种类-access data packets handles its analysis and packet type, and the relevant agreements types
- RPC服务器客户端编程。An introduction to context handles in RPC. A simple RPC client/server application using context handles is explained-RPC client server programming. An introduction to the context in RPC handles. A simple RPC
- BoboMail is a so called webmail application, which provides mail access through a web interface. It handles MIME messages properly (including HTML mails) and is implemented in Python BoboMail是一个webmail应用程序,它提供通过一个web接
- 获得winnt系统相关信息的例子代码。可获得当前系统运行中的所有句柄、进程、线程、模块等的列表-winnt access to the relevant information system code examples. The current system operating availability of all handles, processes, threads, modules, etc. List
- MFC消息映射机制的剖析,讲述如何运用ClassWizard,,理解发送给窗口的消息是如何被MFC框架通过窗口句柄映射表和消息映射表来用窗口类的函数进行响应的。掌握设备描述表及其封装类CDC的使用,CDC是如何与具体的设备发生关联的,融合具体的画图程序进行分析。如何设置封闭图形的填充刷子(位图画刷与透明画刷的使用)。-MFC Message Mapping Analysis of the mechanism on how to use
- Chapter 5 \"Construction case with USB host system that handles USB controller SL811\" sample program -Chapter 5 "Construction case with USB host system that handles USB controller SL811 "Samp le program
- A base class for TreeTableModels. This class handles the list of listeners. -A base class for TreeTableModels. This 10:48 ss handles the list of listeners.
- 这是一个编辑界面的演示程序,主要利用拖拽柄来改变文字或简单图形的位置和大小。其中可以改变文字和图形的部分属性,可以进行多选。-This is a demonstration of the editing interface procedures, using mainly dragging handles to change the text or simple graphics on the location and size. Wh
- SPAS系统基于WINDOWS2000采用VC开发,在功能上实现了对用户手机点播、网站定制和网页发送消息的处理,能完成用户对不同业务的短信要求。 1. WEB网站与SPAS的接口采用UDP通讯的方式,SPAS对网站发送过来的包进行分析处理调不同的点播模块处理,向用户返回所需的短信内容 2. SPAS与网关的通讯采用网关厂商的API接口,用于接收用户的点播请求和发送业务模块处理后的短信内容 3. 定制模块由SPAS主控部分定时
- 获取窗体上的任意控件的相关信息,句柄等。-access forms on the arbitrary control of the relevant information, such as handles.
- 学生注册— 本模块允许新的学生创建和维护他们的帐户信息,帐户信息包括:first name, last name, address, e-mail, login name, and password 学生验证— 本模块处理学生的登录过程,像验证用户名和口令,这可以确保仅有已注册的学习可以浏览课程目录和注册课程。 课程目录浏览— 本模块由Web site显示学校当前提供的课程和他们的 细节,课程细节包括课程名和费用
- Pablo s FTP Server is a multi threaded FTP server for Windows 98/NT/XP. It comes with an easy to use interface and can be accessed from the system tray. The server handles all basic FTP commands and offers easy user acco
- ADO模块处理最常用的ADO功能.-ADO module handles the most commonly used functions ADO.
- 本例演示:如何依靠全局变量传递控件的图柄,从而保证回调动作正确执行。-the cases demonstrate : how to rely on the global variable transmission control plans handles, and the action so as to ensure correct implementation of a callback.
- 本例演示:如何依靠图形窗的 UserData 属性传送用户控件的图柄,从而保证回调动作正确执行。-the cases demonstrate : how to rely on the graphics window UserData attributes transmission users control plans handles, callback action so as to ensure correct implementa
- matlab GUI简单介绍 关于handles的用法与简单介绍 很好用-matlab gui some sources about it ,it is very useful
- 各种图像处理程序,图像加解密,图像增析,人脸识别等各种程序-Various picture handles procedure, the picture adds to decrypt, the picture increases Xi, and person s face identifies to wait various procedure
- flex-object-handles flex中对象的移动 编译 放大 缩小的功能 早期的版本-flex-object-handles flex中对象的移动 编译 放大 缩小的功能 早期的版本